How do you get sober quickly?

well I’ve heard some crazy myths that help you sober up faster, here’s a few

  1. Keep spinning
  2. Scream scream and scream some more
  3. Sleep
  4. sit on your head against the wall
  5. Do a lot of jump ups and 6. Work out

Any of these work?

Answer #1

Eat fatty foods, such as that found in a full English (egg, fried bread, sausage, bubble and squeak, haggis/blood pudding, bacon and more fun, fatty, delicious meats).

Answer #2

Lots of water or gatorade or something.. I guess that’s more for hangovers though. Really nothing will be that effective once alcohol is in you, Maybe drinking less..?

Answer #3

nothing realy staying active helps like a work out cause you sweat take somthing 4 your head ache and do somthing that will make you hot enough to sweat then take a cool shower and use noxzema on your body it realy cleans your pores so your not walking around smelling like the bottle you just drank!

Answer #4

lmao, no none of those would work at all..and some would make it worse, theres a couple of different concoctions that help also driinking lots of water and eating food helps a lot too if you dont eat it before you drink, do it during or after

Answer #5

Spinning makes you DRUNK faster, not sober faster. Also don’t fall asleep drunk, you could swallow your own vomit and actually die from it.

Answer #6

Well, I believe that those are a few old wives tales =] Drink water and eat food (bread is good). Water will help to wash the alcohol out of your system and you will end up urinating lots. The bread (or really any food) will also help to soak up the alcohol.

Answer #7

Well I think most of them are myths but you can sleep and it does sober you up you just have to make sure you are on your back and not on your stomach or you can swallow your own vomit but usually this only happens when your pasted out. You can also have a cold shower and drink coffee it will help you sober up but the best thing you can do is just wait to sober up naturally. When I drink I have a rule of where if I drink one drink then I double the hour then I feel safe driving. So if I have like 3 drinks I stay for 3 hours try it

Answer #8

you cAN’T - JUST WAIT time is th eonlything that can do that

Answer #9

drink milk then stik your finger in your throat to make you puck, then drink water

Answer #10

yeah stephanie I heard about a case about a girl dying drowning from her vomit >_<

Answer #11

you cant sober up quickly… unless they put you on a dialysis machine… I would love to see a drunk person trying to work out though… Eating food will just help you get drunk slower, not help you sober up… Sleep just helps you pass time while you’re sobering up…

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