How to control my anger issues?

I feel kinda daft 4 asking this but, I need 2 get it off my chest its driving my crazy! I have a lot of anger issues, I’ve been 2 anger managment etc but it didnt work an I’ve got no way at all 2 control my anger I’ve tried everything I cud htink off…I use 2 slef halm..I started it when I was 11 I did it for 6 years I got help 4 that but all this anger just keeps comeing an its bottlein all up an im guna explode soon an I was wunderin if you had any ideas on how 2 realse my anger?

Answer #1

I’m in Anger Management but he tells me I have a right to be the way I am. Video games help me get out my anger try GTA games OR think of something funny.

Answer #2

you can try taknig lnog walks when at home to relive your mind and stress… if at school try gonig to a libary /.its preety quit in there…also you can hit crap that wont hurt you as muhc

Answer #3

take a sit quick than try to relax or take a nap … or just stay.. for me it works , but I still feel like I want to brake somethinggg sometimems.

Answer #4

if you feel anger then just take a deep breath a try to get your mind of the thing your mad at lol I wish I can give you better advice but I think of anything more sorry.

Answer #5

lol well thankyou for all your advise I WONT BE BUYING A GUN lol an I’ve punched wallss an it really hurts lol im guna try walking next tim eam about 2 kill someone,I wil b like “excuse me while I go 4 a walk, before I kill u!!! with my eyes twitchi” lol I h8 anger managment they made me feel so small WHAT CAUSES your ANGER! U!!! ASKIN ME that FKIN QUESTION EVERY TIME I SEE YOU!!! hes like ok calm down, breathhh im FKIN BREATHIN!!! its not workinnn so I was like screamin an stuff lol I have a real bad temper!! :(

Answer #6

dude jus like hit a wall or like buy a gun and pop off a couple rounds

Answer #7

I was going to ask the same question, I smoke weed, that helps me.

Answer #9

some times I grab a sharp knife and start stabbing some old cushion or mattress or any thing like that I happen to find in my basement…but I dont know if that is really controlling it

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