How to get rid of a stuffy nose?

ok so I have a really stuffy nose and I need help to get rid of it because it’s anooying and I can’t breath! how so I get rid of it?

Answer #1

get a bottle that you can squeeze, or a ‘neti pot’ and fill it with salt water, tilt your head down and to the side and tip it up your nose. it will go up and flush out your sinusus and the water will come out toe other nostril. I know it sounds gross but do it, it feels horrible but it clears it up a bit.

Answer #2

hi, I am 13 years ld and I woke up on friday morning with a blocked nose and my mum said it was because I was upset most of thursday at my grandads funeral but now its gone worse I am getting to the piont where I cant sleep because I am worried it will make me stop breathing because when I swallow it hurts and I been drinking tea honey and lemon what else should I use ?

Answer #3


Answer #4

For a home remedy trick: Get a steaming bowl of hot water, stick a flannel over the back of your head and stick your head in it (not the boiling water but in the bowl so the steam reaches your face) It should hopefully, unblock your nose and you can blow it all out =] It also opens up your pores :)

Answer #5

antibiotics. go see your doctor. mucinex helped me when I had a cold, you can pretty much just get it at your local drug store.

Answer #6

boil honey and lemon together and drink it or buy either albus oil (smelling liquid that you dab onto a tissue and sniff which unblock the nasal passage) or vix vapour rub:)

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