Does anyone else have psychosis?

I’ve been getting proffesional help latley and I’ve been told that I’ve got something called psychosis ( I think thats how you spell it) , and was wondering if any one else has it too I could do with talking to some one who has as no one I know what I mean and what im going through with it! so yeah thanks! xxx

Answer #1

I have psychosis but I’ve just recently figured it out its really kinda bad becouse you feel like your all alone and no one can understand you but at the same time you look for answears I’ll give you a little storey of what psychosis has done to me its made me belive that I can tell the future and it makes me belive in my dreams I had a dream once that was so vivid and spooky and I just fort I was gona come true and I have this thing with the number 12 which make me belive as if the number 12 is everywere I look you ever seen that film 23 ? well its like that only with the number 12 lol made it even worse when I found a video on youtube sayin the world was gona end in 2012 lmao!!! it also brings depression and im bipolar becouse of it just a few week ago I was crying and ready to trash everything in my path just becouse I dont want to die in the place I live its really bad… whats your psycosis like ?

Answer #2

^ that’s true. you can have psychotic depression.

Answer #3

That’s not really a proper diagnosis. If you’re psychotic it means you’re out of touch with reality but even people who are clinically depressed can have psychosis.

Answer #5

I dont have it but I was wondering what it does to you?

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