FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. Why is it taking so long to reply to a post?
  2. Do you still get points when people like your status?
  3. Why doesn't this site let people do anonymous questions anymore?
  4. How to use FunAdvice properly?
  5. What do you think of a message like this for a friend?
  6. What are the owners and designers of FunAdvice up to these days?
  7. Why is FunAdvice interested in whether we're straight or bent?
  8. Why' is my profile blank when I've posted questions and status updates before?
  9. Do you think that funadvice has a discretionary definition for questions?
  10. Are we allowed to post the usernames of our other social network accounts on the status update wall?
  11. Can you either report somebody or block somebody on here?
  12. How come every time I comment on a post FunAdvice says it can't display the web page?
  13. Is this website's target audience under 16 years old?
  14. Why are curse words banned on this site (besides mature) if you can sneak around them & not get in trouble?
  15. Why don't my videos ever work when I upload them from my phone with a status update?
  16. When you give someone points, do you lose your own points?
  17. How many points do you need to post links?
  18. Why doesn't Colleen delete accounts that no one logs on to anymore?
  19. How do I update my profile pic on my iPod?
  20. Why do people always delete their comments on FunAdvice?
  21. How come when I post a comment, it always posts twice?
  22. Why do people ask questions then get angry at the answer they recieve?
  23. What happens if someone curses a lot on FunAdvice?
  24. What is FunMail and how come it won't work?
  25. How can you choose how many points you can give to an answer?
  26. Does it count when you view your own photo?
  27. Why do people have pictures of famous people as their profile pic?
  28. How come Mexicans and Arabs have the same features ?
  29. What are buckyballs?
  30. How do people earn the title "Of Funadviceolopolis"?
  31. When you like an answer, are you giving someone your own points?
  32. Is this FunAdvice free if I have internet on my iPhone?
  33. Can people here be banned?
  34. What does tolering mean?
  35. How can you switch your FunAdvice points to your PayPal for money?
  36. Is there any hope for FA?
  37. What does "FunAdviceolopolis" mean?
  38. Why can't I reply to FunMails?
  39. Why can't I attach photos to my questions?
  40. Why isn't there an app for FunAdvice?
  41. Can someone please explain how to put a video on here?
  42. Why are there no paragraphs in replies?
  43. What is FunAdviceolopolis?
  44. How do I unlink my Twitter from FunAdvice?
  45. Why do the points you receive for answering questions vary?
  46. Why won't FunAdvice won't let me upload a photo from my computer?
  47. Why do my answers on FunAdvice disappear?
  48. Why is my FunMail acting up - It keeps sending me the same message over and over again?
  49. Why does everyone have these long nick names?
  50. What's the purpose of FunAdvice points?
  51. How come every time I try to post a video here, it keeps telling me to check the contents of my post?
  52. What bucket lists do my fellow FA members have?
  53. Who would you nominate as an advisor here?
  54. Is it possible to upload videos on FunAdvice?
  55. How can I become an Advisor?
  56. Why won't FA let me log in on my computer?
  57. What's your opinion on "Slutwalks"?
  58. When will the new upgrades for Funadvice be added?
  59. Is there any way to see all my comments and posts from the beginning of my time of FA?
  60. Does anyone else have trouble updating their "About Me's" sometimes?
  61. How can I get to the mature section of the status updates page?
  62. Is it just me or is posting or clicking on "unanswered questions" taking an absurdly long time?
  63. Does FunAdvice have that memory system like Facebook does?
  64. How can I upload a picture on here from my itouch ?
  65. How do you upload a video from your camera to FunAdvice?
  66. What criteria does FA use when it suggests people I should follow?
  67. What's your opinion on profile conversations?
  68. Why is it every time I comment on my photo it says I'm commenting on someone's post from years ago?
  69. How do you attach photos and upload a lot at one time?
  70. When will there be a feature where you can delete your response?
  71. Why don't we get points for someone liking our comments in the Status Updates section?
  72. Does any one here use the "see all your alerts" option under alerts?
  73. How to delete an answer you posted on FunAdvice?
  74. Who are the most well known/liked/respected members of FunAdvice?
  75. How many Funadvice accounts are there approximately?
  76. Why do so many of the questions I am sending to my friend's pages end up on the questions page?
  77. How do I upload a video on here?
  78. How do some people manage chatting to several people at once?
  79. Does Funadvice limit the number of "likes" that you can give in a certain question?
  80. Why is it not safe to leave your account "signed in" all the time?
  81. How do you post a picture on here from an iPod?
  82. What is the most points ever earned on FunAdvice in any 48 hour period?
  83. Who has woken up and recived 46 FunMails in the past?
  84. Why is FA the only site that takes forever to load up on my comp?
  85. Is FunAdvice coming out with an app for iPhone and such?
  86. Does anybody else feel like we're all connected on FA?
  87. What is the FunAdvice policy regarding older accounts?
  88. What is the difference between these two options in my "Followers" list (Read Description)?
  89. Who here thinks that those shocking muscle pics on the ad are fake?
  90. How much time does it take to upload a video from your computer to the FunAdvice video gallery?
  91. Why do some people post their life story on here?
  92. How do you unfollow someone when you've accidentally clicked onto it?
  93. Is there anyway I can NOT have my town show on my page but still have my state/country?
  94. Would you become less addicted to FunAdvice if you didn't get points?
  95. How do I change my password on this site?
  96. What is the weirdest and strangest "out there" question you have ever read on FunAdvice?
  97. Who on here remembers the question that first brought them to this site?
  98. How will I know when my HowTo has been approved?
  99. Is it just me, or is it that the filter for mature updates has some holes in it?
  100. Do we have a mobile FunAdvice app?
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