Why are there no paragraphs in replies?

What would it take to show paragraphs in our responses and especially in our comments to responses, where there isn’t even a line-break? I just posted this MASSIVE comment and it’s just so hard to read. I can’t imagine anyone even bothering with it. It’s just a mess, instead of showing some well-thought out text with 7 or 8 separate items. This can’t be a difficult thing, surely?

Answer #1

lol … believe me - that’s something I’ve been waiting for with gritted teeth. However, it’s one of those things on the massive fix-it list.

Answer #2

Great to hear that! It quite bothers me as well.

Answer #3

Thanks Colleen. Can you slide it to the top when Jeremy’s not looking? THXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Answer #4

you can seperate items with bullet points. • alt 0149 is a beautiful thing :)

Answer #5

Thanks! Will try that the next time :)

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