Parents & Family Questions

  1. Is it legal to give alcohol to an underage spouse?
  2. How to get along with my brother?
  3. Is it possible to have dark skin with white parents?
  4. Is it normal to hate my Mom's boyfriend?
  5. Shouldn't 14 year olds wait to have kids?
  6. What if my sister admitted to molestation on her death bed?
  7. How to comfort my Dad during their divorce?
  8. How do I deal with my pathetic attempt of a mother?
  9. Should I talk to my brother?
  10. What if my brother drinks from the toilet?
  11. Is my sister's nephew related to me?
  12. How do we tell our parents we are having a baby?
  13. What if our parents don't sign the papers for us to move in?
  14. Will you please pray for my Grandma tonight?
  15. Should I become emancipated?
  16. What to do about this situation with my parents?
  17. Do me and my sister look alike?
  18. Can you move out when you are 17?
  19. Is it illegal to just leave my home?
  20. How do I convince my Mom to trust me?
  21. Do you like these names for our twins?
  22. Thanks for your support about me facing my rapist
  23. Should I tell my parents about my hickey?
  24. Is it right for us to try for a baby?
  25. Why don't my parents trust me alone with a boy?
  26. How to convince my Dad for a nose ring?
  27. What if my Mom is forcing me to get an abortion?
  28. How to ask my Dad if I can move out?
  29. How to convince my parents to do foreign exchange?
  30. How to let my Dad know I'm moving out?
  31. How to help my father adjust to retirement?
  32. How to get out of my dysfunctional Family?
  33. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  34. How to not fear that she'll abandon me if she dates?
  35. What are the consequences of running away?
  36. Is it wrong to wish I was dying instead of my Mom?
  37. Can I move out at age 16?
  38. Is anyone else expecting?
  39. How to confront my grandmother about her drinking?
  40. How to tell my son his Father was my rapist?
  41. What else can I do but move out?
  42. Has anyone had a VBAC homebirth?
  43. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  44. What to buy for my son's Baptism party?
  45. How to tell my parents I want to move out?
  46. Who should I stay with?
  47. What do you when your parents hate you?
  48. Can a 17 year old move out in Texas?
  49. Can my friend move out without getting into trouble?
  50. Should I move or should I stay?
  51. How to get my family together again?
  52. Can I keep my son from moving out?
  53. What if I'm worried about my parents getting divorced?
  54. What do I talk about with my boyfriend's parents?
  55. Should I have a baby?
  56. How to help my friend with her life at home?
  57. How to tell my Mom I don't believe in her religion?
  58. How to get more friends like my sister?
  59. Why does my sister have more friends than me?
  60. Do I have to go through the emancipation process?
  61. Why does my Mom act so witchy?
  62. How do I tell my parents I am transgendered?
  63. Can a person move out at 16?
  64. How to help someone with parent problems?
  65. How to get a laptop from my parents?
  66. Can I be emancipated in Ohio at 16?
  67. How to get over my past to be healthy today?
  68. Did you move out at 16 or 17?
  69. What if I want a baby and I'm 14?
  70. How to get my life together?
  71. How can I stop fighting constantly with my mother?
  72. Should I see my Mom on her deathbed?
  73. What if he abuses me?
  74. Why do my parents treat me worst?
  75. How do I move out of my house?
  76. How to handle my difficult brother?
  77. Should I talk to her Gram about us?
  78. What should I do about my Dad?
  79. Does anyone else want to get married and have kids?
  80. Has anyone had a sibling in jail?
  81. How to ask my parents for a counselor?
  82. Why are babies on my brain now?
  83. How to talk to my parents about my pregnancy?
  84. Feeling like a prisoner in my home...
  85. I can't take it anymore!
  86. How to deal with losing my Father?
  87. How do I tell my partents I'm bi?
  88. How to get my Mother to stop making me feel so bad?
  89. Is it possible to find my birth parents?
  90. Should I have a baby?
  91. How to get my parents to accept that I smoke?
  92. Do siblings make things awkward for you in school?
  93. How to get my Dad to stop smoking pot?
  94. Should we start a family when my boyfriend gets out of jail?
  95. How can I stop my Dad from drinking?
  96. How to help my daughter who's in a controlling relationship?
  97. Is it legal to move out at 17?
  98. Should I try and move?
  99. Does anyone here have an adopted sibling?
  100. Should I move out now or stay miserable?