How to get along with my brother?

how do I get along with my brother better.

Answer #1

Dear advisor600 Eh, you never really do until your older then sometimes you still fight… um maybe try playing games together and just dont argue with him… me and my brother used to fight alll the time beat eachother up and now were older we barley fight at all. But really I dont think there is away.. just try to not hang out with eachother that much maybe your seeing too much of one another hope this helps. goodluck!

Answer #2

Trust me I know this a lot me and my little sister fight a lot… First of all to get along go to your room slam the doors and dont let him in and play your favorite music really loud and get one of his pictures tape it to the wall and start slapping it and stuff then go back down and things will be all better!!! Yah a little nuts but I smack her pictures all over the place when I get mad…!…!…!

Answer #3

ha! tough question! I wudnt exactly no because my bro and I get along but we find things that interest us both so we can talk and stuff, we also plan days where we can just hang out! getting along w/ your bro will probly be very hard to start but just see if he is willing to fix your relationship and hopefully you to will have a better relationship together! I hope I kinda helped =] im sry if I didnt!

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