Parents & Family Questions

  1. Teaching the boy to swim
  2. Any bad nicknames to call my cousin?
  3. My Mom is always criticising my relationships
  4. Being kicked out!
  5. How do I make my mom let me hang out with my friends?
  6. Communicating with my son's mother
  7. Dealing with family disappointment
  8. Convincing my parents for a piercing
  9. I want to leave my parents' house
  10. My parents wont let me go out because I missed curfew
  11. How to deal with family dying?
  12. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant at 14?
  13. Pregnancy help
  14. Does anyone have a friend like a sister?
  15. How to convince my Mom I'll be safe going to this party?
  16. How do I convince my parents that I am ready to date?
  17. How did you feel in your third trimester?
  18. My parents still hurt me
  19. Where should I go for college?
  20. My little sister thinks we're too protective
  21. Emancipation trust fund issue
  22. Pregnant and 17, how to tell my Mom?
  23. I don't know where to go
  24. Teenage angst?
  25. I think I might be adopted because I dont act like them
  26. How long is crab season in alaska?
  27. How to get a lawyer to become emancipated?
  28. Who is the Mother of the Iditarod?
  29. How long was nelson mandela in prison?
  30. How can I escape my drunk father?
  31. What is parkinson deasease?
  32. Who is the oldest person alive?
  33. Im scared of my mom!
  34. Where can I move, I can't stay at home
  35. In the phrased 'paled by comparison' what form of speech is t
  36. How parents would react to a guy 4 years older?
  37. How to convince my parents to let me get snake bites
  38. How do I move out at the age of 16?
  39. Emancipation Question
  40. Why does my brother get treated better?
  41. How to tell my parents I'm having a baby with an older guy?
  42. How to gain your moms trust
  43. Longest you have been grounded?
  44. What if I hate my Stepmom?
  45. Hate my sisters habits, what to do?
  46. Why wont parents let their young teen daughters have boyfriends?
  47. I'm grounded and don't know what to do about my parents
  48. My stupid father, how to get the courage to talk to him?
  49. Gross brother issues
  50. Want to stop playing WoW with my Dad
  51. I live in CA, I'm 17 and want to move out of my house
  52. Maternity leave
  53. Guardianship causing stress
  54. I need help with my parents
  55. Do you curse around or at your parents?
  56. How do I help out my mom and dad without trying to take over?
  57. They dont want to give me my drivers licence..
  58. How can I be sensitive and helpful?
  59. I give up on parents
  60. Mother-to-be, do you think it's wrong?
  61. Convincing my mom to give my cell back?
  62. Should I be allowed to town?
  63. Can I run away?
  64. Should I let my Mom back in my life?
  65. Guardianship rights in colorado
  66. What'd you give yo mom for mothers day?
  67. Can your parents force you to do something?
  68. If I get emancipated,should I go to school or get my GED
  69. What is the worst lie you told your dad?
  70. Are you remembering your Mom today?
  71. I'm 15 and really want to have a baby
  72. Why is this person trying to start trouble with my parents?
  73. How do I get along with my mom better?
  74. Mom's going out of town
  75. How do I get emancipated?
  76. What will happen to my baby if I go to court?
  77. How can you survive with a felony
  78. Am I A Victim of Child Abuse?
  79. What are you guys doing for mother's day?
  80. Ok to read even if you are not a mom
  81. What are you doing for mother's day?
  82. My mom hates me
  83. Why do I want a baby?
  84. Get my brothers to stop smoking?
  85. I dont feel as important as my siblings
  86. How to deal with my overbearing cousin?
  87. Hate home
  88. Problems at home
  89. How do I convince my mum to let me get hair extensions?
  90. How do parents feel when the child leaves the nest?
  91. Mum and I haven't been getting along
  92. How do I get my mom to trust me ?
  93. Am I reading into my mothers comments about the yellow blouse?
  94. Adoption, should I get a brother or sister?
  95. My question: do you agree with me?
  96. Getting my protective brothers to back off?
  97. Sibling rivalry
  98. My parents dont like my fiance, should I invite them to the wedding
  99. Should I tell my father about these wild parties?
  100. I don't want to go home to my drunk Dad