How do I make my mom let me hang out with my friends?

I am 16. I have a lot of friends but I dont have a group. One day I started to hang out with this new group and I am really comfortable with them. I stated to date one of the guys and I lost my virginity to him and I love him so much but his ex-girlfriend who is really jealous of us is spreading lies around that are getting back to my mom. I told her that they were not true but she wont believe me. I cant tell her about my boyfriend because he is 23 and I know he is a lot older but age doesnt matter. all my other friends are my age and I always tell her where a am going and I call her when I am with them but she still doesnt trust me. She told me that I cant do anything with any one for a long time but I need to see my boyfrined. If I lie about where I am going she always seems to find out.

Answer #1

well then just dont lie tell her where you are going but dont tell her who your with then that wouldnt be lieing or you can sit down a tell your mom that it hurts you that she would belive siome girl over you and if you cant let me go anywhere how am I going to earn your trust back either way its most likeley to work

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