Parents & Family Questions

  1. What do get for mothers day
  2. What to get my Mom?
  3. Legal Issues
  4. what type of parent would you be/ are you?
  5. How to ignore it
  6. I want to live with my dad, but how?
  7. Miss my dad
  8. How to get back at my brother?
  9. Good combacks at my brother
  10. Child abuse is when you have bruises and cutts
  11. convince my parents to let me have texting, any ideas?!
  12. Is it right
  13. How to take care/ Hide from parents?
  14. How do I tell my Parents about my older boyfriend>?
  15. My mom and dad neveer lisen to me
  16. My mom caught my x boyfriend sneaking out of my window
  17. My dad
  18. Im prego at 16 and fathers 20
  19. older sister is 7 month's pregnant and she has mood swings
  20. Meany mommy remark
  21. Getting nowhere in life
  22. Can my Dad take my horse?
  23. "A" names
  24. advice...for being scared of moving out
  25. Need help...its move out or be so definetly unhappy.
  26. How do you deal with a drunk stepmom?
  27. How should I bring this up to my mom?
  28. that wasnt funny.
  29. He is stalking us... could he kill us?
  30. Better Son
  31. Friends Mum
  32. How to run away from your family?
  33. Fight with mom
  34. Fairly
  35. Lost family,due to lack of contact with dad nowadays
  36. How do I tell my mom that I have a boyfriend?
  37. Cousin keeps hitting me
  38. How can I convice my mom to let me have a myspace.
  39. My parents wont let my dye my hair!!!
  40. problems with my mom right now we are not getting along
  41. over my dad :(
  42. Getting too old!
  43. Parent power is a bummer
  44. poem for mom?
  45. Angry with mother?
  46. dealing with a lost one
  47. How to be a Good Person
  48. my friend says his dad puches him kicks him and hits him
  49. When can I leave home?
  50. How can I convience my parents to let me stay out later?
  51. What should I do my mom is still mad at me!!
  52. leagllyy movin out
  53. im worried
  54. Abortion?
  55. How to tell your parents your moving out...
  56. Leaving Home
  57. All Night Skate
  58. Is she a good mother
  59. Family violence
  60. please help ,, should I go or not
  61. Im I just mean.. or what?!
  62. y do young teens an kids want a baby
  63. Mom obsessed with green?
  64. Whats your Cerfew?
  65. Find cousin
  66. What should I do?
  67. Selfish parents
  68. Lingerie
  69. Havein a baby
  70. how me and my friend are related ?
  71. can my mom tell??
  72. Parental Issues!! Help please?
  73. how do I deal with my mother.?
  74. I hate my mom what should I do? (black_beatuy)
  75. what the best way to tell praents
  76. Will someone help plzz?
  77. Bedtimes
  78. Lie or Die?
  79. Getting my dad back
  80. Missing mom
  81. I hate my dad
  82. how do I tell my mom I think im bipolar?
  83. Leaving home
  84. I hate my family what should I do?tell me please
  85. My mom does not allow me to do any kind if hair removal on my legs.
  86. How do we help her?
  87. Wanting to leave home and get away from him!!!
  88. What You Think Of My Life??
  89. family advice . . . my sister
  90. I want to be a teen mom. it scares me.
  91. Close Relative.
  92. is weed harmful for a baby
  93. Is it ok or not?
  94. Does anyone have an alcoholic parent
  95. Should I wait or act now?
  96. Molested.
  97. Little brother temper tantrums
  98. Legal right for minors
  99. Long lost half-brother
  100. short skirts