What should I do?

My brother always hits me, deep down I love him loads, a lot of the time he’s really nice to be but sometimes he has these outbursts and becomes horrible and starts threatening to hit me etc. It makes me cry and nothing helps! What shall I do?

Answer #1

how old are you 2? me and my sister use 2 fight a lot when we were younger… I was acting out,due to that I was teased/bullied in school, and I took my anger out on her,my sister, witch was wrong,but she was smaller… and “easy” target.. I love my sister and I feel sorry for what I did.. we are really close friends now tho.. so my point is: maybe your brother is acting the way he is,due 2 problems he have @ school? or he being bullied… tell him that he hurt you more then he knows, and ask if he needs any help… and if that doesn’t work; call for mom or dad!!! I hope that it works out. and I am sure that your brother loves you 2. good luck

Answer #2

Lol I’m gunna wait till he’s asleep. I hear he used to get bullied so that could be why I’ll just be a bit nicer and not get bothered, thanks for the help.

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