how do I deal with my mother.?

.hey im new to this but a friend told me there were millions of other teens on this site who’s advice might can here goes.I have a selfish ungrateful mom.anything anybody does isnt good do I deal with her and her mood swings.?

Answer #1

Have her sit down and have a mother-daughter talk and tell her that what she’s doing is messing up you guys’ relationship. Show her what would happen if she continues on with that sort of behavior she shows. When it comes to her mood swings,best thing to do is stay calm and try and calm her down but if it’s like a mean mood swing,stay in a different room until you notice she has stopped.

Answer #2

Accept her for what she is, and move on…People don’t change unless it’s too painful not to change…Does she have any positive points?? Concentrate and appreciate those parts of her personality…


Answer #3

Pray to God for her and tell her you love her. Find your real peace in knowing God thru accepting His son Jesus as your personal Lord & Savior. Read your Bible daily and pray a lot for you and your mom. Then you will have God’s everlasting peace upon your life and your mom will be blessed because of you!

Answer #4

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses - you should be Thankful you have a Mom, many don’t - just maybe she’s under a lot of stress from responsibilities.

Answer #5

tell her how you feel, even if your afraid of what she says or does back, just say it, but dont do anything like cuss her out or nothing! and tell her your getting sick of it like others are.

Answer #6

Talkk to a school guidance counselor for the absolute best answer.

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