Whats your Cerfew?

My parents, sat a cerfew for me which is school nights 10, and on weekends I have to be in be 12? and occasionally they’ll let me stay out till 1. is that a good Cerfew? lol, let me know what yours is?

Answer #1

10:30 self motivated curfew. I have to sleep. I’m a parent! Ha

Answer #2

I dont really have one. I just got to be in by when it turns dark, and sometimes my parents let me stay out later!

Answer #3

I don’t have a curfew, it just depends on when/where you’re going and who you’re going with.

Answer #4

That’s pretty fair…I don’t have one though.

Answer #5

yeah. thats a pretty good curfew if you ask me. my parents set mine at that too. I mean,, weekends should be extended I think. I have a baby now., so my parents dont really tell me what to do. but then again, my fiance lives with me so I dont really go anywhere during the week. lol

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