Kids Questions

  1. Why are all of the kid's toys changing styles?
  2. When a baby is born how old is it going to be?
  3. Do you use just one punishment method for your children, or do you use different ones?
  4. How to teach a hyperactive 3 year old with a short attention span?
  5. Do you think social media sites are effecting our kids in a negative way?
  6. What would you do to help your child if the doctor said they were anemic?
  7. Does anyone have any tips on babysitting?
  8. What are some child-friendly St. Patrick's day quotes or sayings?
  9. What's "initiative" when your talking about toddlers/primary school aged?
  10. Is it cool to have a twin?
  11. How can a stepfather, discipline a 6 year old girl and a 10 year old boy?
  12. Is there any way you can help your 10 year old to concentrate more in school?
  13. What is an appropriate time for a ten year old to go to bed?
  14. Why do some kids bully their moms?
  15. How much is proper as a pocket money for 12 year old girl?
  16. What should we do when hearing our neighbor's 2-3 year old boy crying loudly for over an hour?
  17. How much money does a veterinary technician earn?
  18. What happens to the victims of child labor once they are grown up?
  19. What are some good ways to expose my children to positive role models besides myself?
  20. How can I get rid of my son's fever with out medication (he's 5 months)?
  21. Why do kids make fun of special needs kids?
  22. How do we avoid liking one child better than the other(s)?
  23. How would you react if your child came home with a report with 1 A, 1 B, 3 C's, and 1 D?
  24. Do you believe boys are easier to raise than girls?
  25. Who thinks it is right to send a bunch of 7th and 8th graders to an abortion rally?
  26. How can I convince a judge to take custody away from an alcoholic father?
  27. What are some possible effects of poor eating in children?
  28. What are the differences and simularities between private, statuary, indpendent and voluntary childcare settings?
  29. What would a Mexican and a Colombian baby look like?
  30. What are some ways you can punish a 10 yr old when nothing seems to do any good?
  31. What is your career and do you like it?
  32. What will CPS do to my friend if her newborn tested positive for lortab In Kentucky?
  33. Is there any way to make myself like children?
  34. Why is it important for children to know right from wrong?
  35. How can I get babygirl to sleep at night without screaming?
  36. How far along in a pregnancy do you have to be so they can tell the gender of the baby?
  37. why has my baby been very difficult lately?
  38. Why do 3 year olds talk so much?
  39. Is giving birth at 15 really hard?
  40. When do I start getting things for my baby?
  41. How do you keep from spoiling your kids?
  42. Why do teens have a rebellious stage?
  43. How do I get my 2 year old son to sleep through the night?
  44. Do you think children should be sheltered from unhappiness?
  45. Whats wrong with my brother if all he does is watch HALO videos on youtube for at least 4 hours a day?
  46. How do you teach a child even and odd numbers?
  47. what is it called when a kid refuses to poop for a few days at a time?
  48. when babys have bad dreams what do they dream about?
  49. How do you bathe a 7 year old girl while babysitting who is unwilling to get undressed even when her mom told me I had to wash her body for her?
  50. Do babies see things paranormal?
  51. Do you think the cookie monster is a good role model for kids to look up to?
  52. What do you do if your mom's freind's baby had a really gross explosion in her pants and is screaming and crying?
  53. how can my mom make my baby stop crying?
  54. When adopting kids is it better to adopt 2 rather than 1 so the other has someone to be friends with?
  55. when your child ask "where do babies come from what do you say?
  56. how do i get the kids i babysit to take me seriously?
  57. whats the best thing for my baby girls sore cough ?
  58. What would you do if a total stranger disciplined your child?
  59. What's might be the best age for kids to start operating computer?
  60. Do you think bootcamp is good for out of control kids?
  61. do you think that teenagers make bad parents and why?
  62. How would you handle a young child that runs out the door and close to traffic every time you place him in time out?
  63. What did you believe in most- Santa, Easter bunny or Tooth fairy?
  64. What age do kids usually stop believeing in santa claus?
  65. what can happen if you give your child away?
  66. When you were younger did you ever open a christmas present early and take it to school?
  67. What age should a kid be to cook on the stove without supervision?
  68. what is the curfew for minors in kimberling city, mo?
  69. What can some kids get involved in for the holiday season for volunteering?
  70. how can i find a way to spend more time with my son?
  71. Why does my friends kid hair smell so bad?
  72. how can i celebrate xmas with a newborn?
  73. Why is that present day kids are more sensitive than olden day kids?
  74. is it sanitary for a 2year old and a 3month old to use the same spoons?
  75. What do you think of the conjoined twins in Canada?
  76. does anyone know any easy ways to make ornaments for 3yr olds?
  77. What are your thoughts on the kids that were found in the attic in York,Pennsylvania?
  78. What do you think of parents who don't allow their children to own toys that are generally made for the opposite gender?
  79. Would you choose diapers or pads if your child started their period between the ages of 2 and 5 years old?
  80. Who knows if there is ever a good reason for a 5 year old to be using a pacifier?
  81. why does my baby laugh like if he was crying?
  82. What if a baby has blond hair and blue eyes, is it still possible that the father is Hispanic?
  83. How do I get through to my teenage daughter that she is being selfish and disrespectful?
  84. when is Stacey Solomon's son's Birthday ??
  85. How can I keep my little 2 year old cousin entertained while keeping myself entertained for a couple hours?
  86. Is a person a bad parent if their child spends the night at his/her grandparents several nights every week?
  87. why has my baby been pooping weird?
  88. What will be the most popular and hard to find toy this Christmas?
  89. What do you think about allowing young kids to play with toy guns, toy knifes, etc…?
  90. what do you think of kid leashes?
  91. whats the weirdest baby name you ever heard?
  92. Is it wrong that I don't like my bf's little brother grabbing my baby stuff?
  93. Can the father of your child take full custody of the child if the mother ask for child support?
  94. What is a good time span in between haveing children?
  95. what is the thing called when babies have green things on there eyes and can hardly open them?
  96. how can i put my baby back on a feeding schedule?
  97. Why is the first child usually the good child?
  98. How do I get my little girl to cut her hair?
  99. why does my baby brother keep crying is it the formula?
  100. Why do kids of today interested only in playing computer games than getting involved in outdoor games?
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