Why do kids make fun of special needs kids?

Answer #1

Young kids? They tend to make fun of anything that is unfamiliar to them. If they don’t understand what it is, they will reject it and make fun because they don’t fully understand the situation. They find comfort in belonging to a pack, and by making fun of special needs children they gang up on them and enjoy their imagined superior status.

Answer #2

Because it’s something different and unknown to them.

Answer #3

i dont think its right :\ i think its because they are easy targets abd cant defend themselves also just because they are different doesnt give us the right to descriminate against them :\ i think some ppl just dont know how to be nice :(

Answer #4

I’m 13 myself and don’t say thats so retarded (or thats so gay). But kids all around me and even my friends say that stuff, i’ve even threatend a couple of friends to not say that stuff around me, because it is really mean.

Some kids in my fourth hour class are the WORST. All the “popular” people are in there, there is only 3 other people that keep to themselfs. They don’t just target special needs people though, they make fun of every one, even me.

people think it makes themselfs cool, if they put down other people, anything to make someone laugh. but personally, I don’t find it funny.

Answer #5

Yes, young and older. Actually, i am developementally handicapped and took those special ed classes from pre-school all the way up to high school. I loved it tho, but i had some mean teachers. Also, i was picked on a lot! I was born with Hypothyroidism and that’s one of the medical illnesses that you can’t tell what’s wrong because of their looks or appearances. I had a slight speech inpediment and had hearing problems as well. A lot of other kids even made fun of 2 things i was good at, art and dancing. They even doubted me that i would be able to do, like going to work, driving a car, college, or get married, but guess what? I am married, driving a car, and also independent! Although i waited later to do the real life things like marriage, or being able to drive a car, i learnt some people of my own age, it;s coming back to them! It’s like when someone makes fun of someone, it will come back to them, right?

Answer #6

That depends if you believe in karmic retribution really, but I believe that what you project outward does affect what comes back. If you make fun of people, then you project a mean image, and people will treat you as a mean person. If you’re sweet to people, then people can see that you’re a good person and they treat you appropriately. Sometimes it takes a while for something real to happen to a bad person, and some people think of it as karma. But it’s not guaranteed. Bad things happen to good people too. I’m happy for you that you managed to exceed your problems and your bullies, many people take the words of children a lot worse and more seriously and give up trying to do anything. :)

Answer #7

That depends if you believe in karmic retribution really, but I believe that what you project outward does affect what comes back. If you make fun of people, then you project a mean image, and people will treat you as a mean person. If you’re sweet to people, then people can see that you’re a good person and they treat you appropriately. Sometimes it takes a while for something real to happen to a bad person, and some people think of it as karma. But it’s not guaranteed. Bad things happen to good people too. I’m happy for you that you managed to exceed your problems and your bullies, many people take the words of children a lot worse and more seriously and give up trying to do anything. :)

Answer #8

Thanks everyone for your answers! I appreciate that! Yeah, it’s not right when that happens! It makes disabled or handicap kids to want to isolate themselves from public, because their peers don’t understand or get their special abilities that needs some special attention according to their education. Some kids can’t read, spell, or even count ! I remembered when i was in school, some kids couldnt catch up with their homework or with their studies, because of what happens outside of classroom. I wonder if these other kids have ever been told by others on what’s wrong and what’s right or been taught anything by their parents. These kids are around their own peers every day, It doesn’t matter if they are being followed or being pushed down. I remembered when i was pushed down on the ground and this girl called me nasty names because i was different.

Answer #9

Well i think it’s because people don’t understand them you just have to think about them in a different point of view my brother is autistic and gets picked on a lot.

Answer #10

Yes, it took my siblings a few years to get used of their sis( me) disability and not be able to do same things that they can do, like socializing, and being around public. I have 3 other brothers and one of them are bipolar now. All of a sudden, something got turned around. Here, i am socializing first time in my life and my brother had his life changed from socialable to unsocialable in the past 4 years!. Sad, huh?

Answer #11

That is sad :/ i’m sorry

Answer #12

It’s ok.

Answer #13

because they are unhappy with their self, NO ONE should make fun of a special needs child.

Answer #14

it is rude, but they dont understand what it is like. maybe their teacher should give speech, so they will understand

Answer #15

Human nature

Answer #16

Kids are immature,they don’t actually realize what kind of struggle it is for the child in life and the strain it puts on the child’s parents or guardian.I think that kids with special needs should be treated nicely and fairly just like eveyone else.

Answer #17

I think it’s cuz the are different but to me thats mested up to make fun of them

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