Questions & Answers

  1. What should I do about an extra brown period on birth control patch?
  2. Is anyone here a fan of Sherlock?
  3. Does anyone know about caravans?
  4. Does North Carolina and its cities have southern charm?
  5. Does anybody know how I can get how-to information on making money with the stock market for beginners?
  6. What's figurative language?
  7. How much is 64 kilo in lb?
  8. Would it matter if my iPhone is 4 or 4s if I want to buy the case?
  9. Can candidates in an election vote for themselves?
  10. How long does it take to digest water?
  11. Can a sex offender continue to work as a professor?
  12. FunAdvice Trivia: Which son of Antiope and Zeus, along with his twin brother Zethus, killed King Lycus and built a wall around Thebes with his lyre's melody?
  13. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Caramel Apple Bread Pudding
  14. What are some side dishes to go with bifana?
  15. Where can I find pants for a person with really skinny legs?
  16. Are there any remedies for impotence?
  17. Does anyone know how sharks do the gas exchange and why they need to move constantly?
  18. How come my back hurts when I lay down?
  19. Why do some people have "out-ie" belly buttons and some people have "in-ies"?
  20. How can I get rid of my acid reflux?
  21. Do you think if you look at something that isn't beautiful long enough that it becomes beautiful?
  22. FunAdvice Trivia: What is a 'conure'?
  23. What does it feel like to give birth naturally without any pain medications/interventions?
  24. How to bring 12-18 year olds to an event at the seaside during the holidays?
  25. What was it that happened with Optimus Prime and Megatron in Transformers 3?
  26. What would cause someone to always get cold chills?
  27. Can a guppy be born with only one eye?
  28. What kind of life stories do you like reading about?
  29. What are some last minute Halloween costumes?
  30. Whats the legal age in Illinois to get a tattoo?
  31. What do you think about the comment that a republican made that a rape was planned out by God?
  32. What would our world be like if there was a pill that allowed us to remember everything we read?
  33. How are people earning over 900 points a day?
  34. Why do the photos on the EOS 5D Mark III 22.3-Megapixel Digital SLR Camera take up so much space?
  35. What are some good sources for this history term paper?
  36. What are some good nail art tools to have?
  37. How to make people take the stairs instead of the elevator?
  38. FunAdvice Trivia: Wheel of Fortune's Pat Sajak played Kevin Hathaway on what popular soap opera?
  39. FunAdvice Featured *Halloween* Recipe: Halloween Brain Dip
  40. How would you define "knowledge" in terms of philosophy?
  41. Why does an international baccalaureate require a lot of hard work?
  42. How do they make their goldfish dance to a smartphone?
  43. Is it normal to feel depressed ALL the time?
  44. Where I can find a powerful company to get a job doing SEO?
  45. Do you get diabetes from eating sugar?
  46. Which country should I go to as an exchange student and why?
  47. What is a healthier version of a grilled cheese?
  48. What does "work cited" mean?
  49. How can I get rid of this big bump on my thigh (more)?
  50. Can anyone recommend me a Minecraft server host?
  51. When you buy a hookah pipe/shisha on Amazon, do you have to sign for it when it arrives (read) ?
  52. Why exactly did they use Ezio in Aѕsaѕsin's Creed II?
  53. Is it a bad thing to write short stories with sex scenes in them?
  54. Where can I post a "mature" question?
  55. How to get my YouTube video to show up with the "rest" of the videos in that search category?
  56. How do you write expressions in maths?
  57. What causes us to have cold sweats?
  58. What do you guys honestly think about these 2012 doomsday speculations?
  59. How do I rip someone's shirt off during intercourse?
  60. If you had the chance to redesign FunAdvice, what features would you add/change?
  61. Is it true New York shut down their subway system?
  62. FunAdvice Trivia: In what film will you find Master and Blaster?
  63. What are the laws on stripping in Illinois?
  64. What's your future career goal?
  65. How can I score well for my SAT's?
  66. Why do people use liquor and smoke, even when they know it's bad?
  67. What is the meaning of the word "kinda"?
  68. Does regular body massage (like twice a month) have side effects on our body and muscles?
  69. Is there any danger of repairing my iPod screen, personally, instead of taking it to Apple?
  70. Would you suggest I drop this accounting course based on my first midterm mark (more)?
  71. How much would a trip to the UK cost?
  72. Would you prefer other people to be honest as to who they are or to change who they are?
  73. What do you use cotton swabs for besides your ears?
  74. Why do I feel numb without my boyfriend?
  75. Can you help me come up with ideas for a first grade nature club?
  76. What would happen if the elections are tied?
  77. How might a stereotype hinder equality of opportunities in the work place?
  78. How do I make someone understand how difficult it is to get a job without a GED/high school diploma?
  79. Where can I buy a marmoset monkey in the UK?
  80. How can I make food taste like it's spoiled?
  81. How do I successfully move to another state?
  82. Which picture of me do you suggest I make my profile pic for Facebook?
  83. Is it true that the amount of body hair you have depends also on the food you eat?
  84. What exactly is in a Kiddie Cסcktail?
  85. Are cסckatiels good pets?
  86. When did England start colonizing the world?
  87. What does it mean to have a dream about the people closest to you dying, or a dream of yourself dying?
  88. How do photographers make their money?
  89. What are some natural ways to get poison out of the body without drטgs?
  90. Can take my brother to his doctor to see if he's taking drugs?
  91. Is there an actual live tech support for YouTube?
  92. Where do Agnostics go when they die - Heaven or Hell?
  93. How much is a used myCharge portable charger worth?
  94. What is a strict diet in your opinion?
  95. What are some free editing programs I can download?
  96. Why does some poop float and some doesn't?
  97. What shoes would look better with this dress/top?
  98. How do I ask my friend to change her mobile plan into her own name to stop ruining my credit?
  99. How to deal with high school bullcrap?
  100. What is a good recipe I could use banana peppers in?