Questions & Answers

  1. How can i break my neice'S habit of saying "No" and Slapping people and herself when she does?
  2. Is it legal for my mother-in law to sell my husbands truck?
  3. what is it called when guys fall asleep after sex?
  4. how do you work out your boobs?
  5. Who is interested in sharing ideas on how the world will end?
  6. What does it mean if my Chinchilla is doing skikky noises??
  7. Would I be able to wash out a semi-permanent die while I have a perm?
  8. What to do for a uti while on vaction???
  9. What are your feelings about the Ground Zero Mosque?
  10. What are the "positive" effects of Oxycotin?
  11. how do trainers that tone your legs and bum work?
  12. What do I do to last in the heat?
  13. Are there any good free car games online?
  14. How i can improve my boxing's agility?‎
  15. How much do you pay each year for motorcycle insurance?
  16. is there a website where you can uplaoad your photos and see what you would look like with certain piercings?
  17. Does anyone ever refer to someone as "having a chip on their shoulder" anymore?
  18. What will the doctors do about my half cut off cast?
  19. Why do I keep coming to the same answer with my own question?
  20. Is a boy horny for you if he blushes and starts pushing his tongue in and out?
  21. Which would you choose New Zealand and Austrailia or orchestra & why?
  22. Why does this happen ?
  23. Why do people say when you first get your period that's when your suddenly a woman?
  24. where can i find the shoes from the commercial that are like black and they have camo flaps on the side?
  25. Why do they say girls mature faster than boys?
  26. Why are animals noses wet ?
  27. why is it so hard to get followers?
  28. What's better for moisturizing skin?
  29. What are some good songs you guys know / have?
  30. Is Hollywood Arts High School an actual school???
  31. What are the side effects of Prozac?
  32. Are they gonna make more final destinations?
  33. does anyone know where i can get a good journal at a very reasonable price?
  34. How can I move out of my house as soon as I can?
  35. What is a good , free , movie maker system I can download ?
  36. how old do you have to be work at publix?
  37. How could I fix up a 2002 ford mustang?
  38. how do i get my mom to let me collect knives?
  39. Can everyone give me ideas for a new website?
  40. What are "3rd party browser tool bars"?
  41. Can someone help me translate this spanish note from my friend?
  42. Who Has heard of trickamonia?
  43. What other health issue or problem can there be for smoking?
  44. How do I manually add new device to my computer?
  45. Should i break up with my girlfriend after two years because i am going to college?
  46. Why won't my MP3 player charge up on my computer anymore?
  47. why won't my computer recognize my mobile plugged in?
  48. Can an Ipod touch get a virus?
  49. Which shoujo animes do you think are the best?
  50. What do you think of public affection?
  51. Is an epilator okay to use on the full bikini area region?
  52. can you ask a question anomously?
  53. What is a current event topic I should do my research paper on?
  54. how do i put songs onto itunes from cds??
  55. What dog should i get that is small, cute, and somewhat low maintanence?
  56. How can i start my own babysitting business?
  57. How can i get my cl!t tattooed on?
  58. why am i so paranoid ?
  59. How do you stop a muscle spasm?
  60. How do i check my online paypal card statement?
  61. Why do they call Walgreens, "Walgreens," if the walls in Walgreens ain't green?
  62. how come when i hold my *pee* its starts to burn real bad?
  63. is there free online credit recovery classes?
  64. Why Would Someone Judge People Just Because They Have OCD?
  65. Who do you think was the best James Bond actor and why?
  66. Who here knows about Drum and Bugle Corps?
  67. Is sushi heathy or good for you to eat?
  68. When applying for a job, do you feel its neccasary to tell the employer that you are pregnant?
  69. When having surgery (and yur put to sleep) is it possible yu could be aware of what's going on and feel everything there doing ?
  70. Who can identify this snake?
  71. Why do my questions disappear from the homepage?
  72. Would adoption be okay for this situation?
  73. Does anyone have an idea about this skin disease??
  74. How long will the swelling last?
  75. What is a Tubal Ligation Procedure and can it be reversed?
  76. how long should u wait before donating blood , if you are immunized from hepatitis b virus?
  77. can the baby survive if its mum is 13 years of age?
  78. What would YOU like the hair dresser to spend more time on when you go to the salon?
  79. what's a more fun activity?
  80. What do i do about my boyfriend?
  81. Is it weird that if I don't cut my toenails often and to the nub, they grown under the skin?
  82. Why do i self bite?
  83. What makes your brain become sleep paralyzed or half asleep half awake?
  84. how can i send mp3 songs on my nokia 2690 mobile from net using pc?
  85. why do people yawn when they are tired?
  86. Is there an Animal Shelter near Slidell Louisiana that is looking for help an will hire a 15 year old part time without a workers permit?
  87. What is the best thing to get movies off of for completly free?
  88. Does an over the shoulder bookbag have to be in a locker or can you bring it into class with you?
  89. Why do they store water in bottles, and soda in cans?
  90. What are the charges for breaking and entering, If you dident break or take anything...Just entered and explored?
  91. Why do I have flashy lines going down my computer screen?
  92. What's wrong with my dog he's taking quick and short breaths and he's shaking?
  93. Do you believe in curses or being cursed?
  94. Is there a way that i can keep my hair the same way that it is right now overnight?
  95. How can I make an organic pesticide?
  96. Does Anyone Know If Escape The Fate Is Coming Out With A New Album ?
  97. What is the legal age to get a piercing in Arkansas?
  98. What are the differences between a hurricane, and a tornado?
  99. Can you get carpal tunnel from playing the guitar too much?
  100. What is the best way for me to clean my laptop screeeeen?