How can i break my neice'S habit of saying "No" and Slapping people and herself when she does?

Answer #1

How old is she?

Answer #2

She 1 and says no to everything even when the answer should be yes, then she slaps her legs while screaming NO, then she’ll walk up to people (mainly me and my sister) and tries to slap us while screaming no

Answer #3

Well, you can’t stop her from saying “no” - she is just learning to express herself…with time, she’ll learn that it doesn’t get her anywhere. Slapping, however, is a problem. When she tries to hit, hold her hands and tell her No (she seems to understand that word well enough). Be firm and be persistent. She needs to see that you are unhappy with her behaviour. A one year old doesn’t act out just to cause trouble - she needs to be taught that her behaviour is wrong…she needs to be corrected.

Answer #4

She is only one,and she don’t know what is right and what is wrong,they learn from their environment only,when your niece was born,she didn’t know what ‘’slap’’ is,so what i mean is that she saw people doing it and thats why its in her behavior too.I will advice to start changing your behavior and respecting her and also doing thing around her which does not include slapping or abusing,or she will learn only what is going in your surroundings. Next,stop her from whatever she is doing and tell her very softly,kids learn very fast and she will change herself very fast as you will change yourself.

Answer #5

we never slap or hit eachother or our selves around her, although i dont know what goes on at her house other than that we tell her in a nice but firm voice to stop or say yes.

Answer #6

You ask her mother to do it? Because her mother is more likely to get any results?

Answer #7

it depends. if she is saying no to everything that you say, she might not understand what no means. if she is saying no to be defiant as to say (im not going to do what you telll me to do) than you need to give her a time out or start taking toys away from her until she learns that you are the boss and she is the child.

Answer #8

she has gotten a reaction from her slapping herself and other people. she might think its funny because her parents might not take that seriously. you need to talk to her parents first and work as a team or youre really not going to change anything.

Answer #9

i agree with colleen, you need to be firm with her but not mean, saying no doesnt mean anything rite now since shes only one she may not understand completely what it means, but slapping you need to get down to her level and hold her hands and say no hitting, be very serious but not menacing, so she knows not to do it again.

Answer #10

Yeah, we told her mother but she does it to her mom too.

Answer #11


Answer #12


Answer #13

tell her not to do it

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