Questions & Answers

  1. Do cops get paid more for giving more tickets?
  2. What does cheesy mean?
  3. when did this happen japan defeats china?
  4. Is Nirvana from buddhism better than heaven from christainty?
  5. Is it unhealthy to drink soda or carbinated drinks during pregnancy?
  6. What kind of e-reader do you recommend?
  7. Why don't people opt for flower garden instead of just lawns?
  8. Who is going to be running in the next presidential campaign?
  9. Do you get payed alot when you become an Advisor?
  10. what exactly is a "soul mate"?
  11. Is this pink eye ?
  12. Who can help me with my back?
  13. where is the best place to buy kick sneakers in the bronx?
  14. Is there a proper way to move about during singing screamo?
  15. Have you been through the new TSA screen pat down yet?
  16. Does anyone know how much an E.O.C. Exam effects your grade?
  17. Does anyone know if "2 Stupid Dogs" is ever going to be released on DVD?
  18. what rhymes with future?
  19. Why does the U.S. spend so much on the defense budget?
  20. Who thinks Donald Trump can fix America if he were president?
  21. Why does my chest hurt so badly after I jog?
  22. How did Helen Keller learn anything?
  23. Why sonographer job involves risk of health problems?
  24. Where can I go to help people this holiday?
  25. Why does the rain make you sleepy?
  26. Why do I have this tiny bald spot on my scalp?
  27. Does anyone know where I can find a comedic/dramatic monologue for girl teens.?
  28. How can i feel better about my physical appearance?
  29. Is it true that when your a teenager, the more tanned you are the older you look??
  30. What is the best kind of Saddle to buy at a reasonable price?
  31. Who's your favorite country music artist?
  32. What's the cheapest,best webcam to buy?
  33. What is your favorite meal ever?
  34. What are the side effects of taking everyday pain medications?
  35. How can I change an audio file into a video file?
  36. How long does the dentist numbness stuff last?
  37. What are some good colleges in Germany?
  38. Why is my computer doing this strange ribbon thing around the edges?
  39. Is there any specific way you're supposed to take a pregnancy test?
  40. Is there a free website with NO dowload where you can play fun games such as family feud, etc. ?
  41. What is the the difference between a university and a liberal arts college?
  42. Does anyone know anything about Unicode on word pad?
  43. What is the diffrence between a v6 v8, and how many are there?
  44. What is the average mile per gallon in a 97 Pontiac grand am?
  45. What do I use to flavor icing?
  46. Can anyone tell me what this passage is saying?
  47. Where can I buy icing that isn't as sweet?
  48. what is a good substitute for cream of tarter?
  49. what is the hardest animal to take care of?
  50. Who can help me with my mom and my health?
  51. Do lionhead rabbits make good pets?
  52. Who knows where i can find these slippers online to buy ?
  53. what could i use as a very light grinding paste that will be in my house ?
  54. what are ways to lower the cost of our wedding ceremony?
  55. Would you ever participate in a devils threesome (for the guys)?
  56. Are there any LEGIT websites where you can enter a small art contest?
  57. What should happen to people that use court as a game?
  58. Can anybody give a list of No Doubt songs that are classified as rock?
  59. What was going on in the universe before the big bang theory?
  60. How to improve on our credit rating?
  61. How can you find the dealer cost on a vehicle?
  62. Whats your experiences on superdrug vitamin e products?
  63. What do you think of pregnant women who wear tight form fitting clothing that shows off their stomachs?
  64. What is terminal uniqueness?
  65. Is there any side effects if we use mouth wash regularly?
  66. what's your experiences using Neutrogena visibly clear moisturiser 50ml?
  67. What do you think of Emma Watson's new short hair?
  68. what can i do to make me stop coughing?
  69. Do you think it should be legal that in order to become an eagle scout you are required to sign up for the draft?
  70. What are signs of stress in rabbits?
  71. Why is that operation is always done in A.C room?
  72. What's the most wanted job for a civil engineer nowadays?
  73. What do you when a person you talk to on a daily basis is keeping tabs on what you say and how you say it?
  74. How much debt do you have?
  75. Why is it that stress causes lack of sleep?
  76. Why does it seem as though children's services goes where their not needed instead of where they are needed?
  77. Who know if orange juice has benefits to haveing pulp or are they the same?
  78. What does it mean if for five days I can't help throwing up after I eat something?
  79. Is invisalign treatment of teeth most effective than bracing?
  80. How to deal with constipation?
  81. Whats so great about the "iPhone" ?
  82. What programs can I use to mix music?
  83. Why is it that doctors would rather tell a patient that they need to take tons of pills than tell them that they are fat and need to lose weight?
  84. Do any of you have a will just in case something were to happen, and how do you make on that is legally binding?
  85. How serious is congestive heart failure?
  86. Is brushing regularly the only solution for Bad Breath?
  87. What is the difference between the USMC and the USN?
  88. where can i get a beanie baby?
  89. What is the difference between Leveigh and Crowley Satanism?
  90. What do people do at masquerades at anime conventions ?
  91. who here like using commando on mw2 and if you don't what do you think about it?
  92. How do space stations operate?
  93. where can i find a math study guide for the g.e.d online?
  94. Do you think our families will be mad if we get married without telling them, and if so, how do we handle that situation?
  95. How do we know that we are suffering from gum disease?
  96. Who else has taken part in 'No Shave November'?
  97. Does putting alcohol on acne help reduce it?
  98. Whats a funny topic to write a monologue about?
  99. Do you think dumb people realize they are the way they are?
  100. What's the best alternative to self injury like the lining your arm with red ink?