Who thinks Donald Trump can fix America if he were president?

Considering the debt of the country, and Trump’s obvious mind for money matters, do you think he can turn the country around and get it to a peak economy?

Answer #1

Theres a LOT more problems in america then just money. I can’t really picture him helping with a large marjority of those issues. If money were the only problem he’d probably be great but considering theres many more issues i’d have to say no I dont think he could “fix” america.

Answer #2

Only if Ameica was having a bad hair day.

Answer #3

Baaaad answer, but funny :)

Answer #4

LOL!!! I was so thinking that!! : )

Answer #5

No. If it were as simple as getting someone with an economic mind to fix the country, all countries would be running at peak efficiency. Obama is slowly trying to mop up the mess Bush made. He’s made great headway in repairing broken ties with the rest of the world, trying to get America back from a scientific standstill that Bush instilled in many areas, etc. Fixing the money would only fix part of the bigger problem. Although perhaps he could help out in an advising capacity. That may work.

Answer #6

We know he can’t fix that!

Answer #7

If you want to blame Bush then give me three examples of how you can blame it on him. Then try and dig up three things Obama has done that has helped anything.

Answer #8

Trump is obviously a financial genius, he needs to just stat with what he knows. There is no one person that is gonna fix everything. We’ve gotta get back to our roots and remember what this country was built on. Stop all the bipartisanship and work together for the good of our country and the people in it. Money and greed has gotten out of control

Answer #9

How has he alienated half the world? Are you serious? Just check out any and all of his speeches. He pis.sed off most of the world. His invading Iraq did not help. He deregulated everything, to the point of economic collapse. He put a lot of scientific research back by a decade. He gave the rich economic tax breaks, which helped no one… Obama has gone on diplomatic envoys, he’s set up regulations, and he’s restarted funding the research. Basically he’s undone the mess Bush made. Seriously, you realize most republicans won’t even stand up for Bush. Even they get it.

Answer #10

Obama has done a couple things, I’ll give you that. Spent a lot of our money, pushed socialized medicine on us, ran all over the world apologizing for our country, bought a car company, bailed out banks so they could give their CEO’s massive bonuses…. Bush made some bad decisions and was not to bright, but he is an American. He loves this country and was not afraid to stand up for us. It’s easy to say now it was wrong. If it worked out perfectly then everyone would be praising him right now. And the whole taxing the rich situation is a completely other debate….

Answer #11

Obama has done a couple things, I’ll give you that. Spent a lot of our money, pushed socialized medicine on us, ran all over the world apologizing for our country, bought a car company, bailed out banks so they could give their CEO’s massive bonuses…. Bush made some bad decisions and was not to bright, but he is an American. He loves this country and was not afraid to stand up for us. It’s easy to say now it was wrong. If it worked out perfectly then everyone would be praising him right now. And the whole taxing the rich situation is a completely other debate….

Answer #12

@Jag30 concerning 3 things GW did GW bush is the most corrupt President we have ever had, and we have had more than a few. He is an intellectual moron: Never in my sixty years have I ever seen a Vice President push the President aside to answer a question…I saw Cheney do it TWICE to ol’ GW. I truly believe he was manipulated into power (indented chad & Supreme Court) by his father because his father knew he was a moron that could be manipulated by Dck Cheney and finish the things he regretted not doing during his Presidency. The first being having Saddam Hussein removed from power and executed for war crimes. The second being taking control of Iraq’s oil wells. All of the independent inspectors reported that there were no WMD’s left in Iraq; these inspectors were the best in their field.
There are two reasons GH Bush wanted Saddam dead: The first is that Saddam put a $1million bounty on his head. And the second is that during a news interview during Clinton’s Presidency, Saddam was asked how he felt about losing the 1991 Gulf War. Saddam replied that he didn’t lose the war because he is still President of Iraq. Mr. Bush lost the war, he is no longer President of the United States. THAT (And his executive ties with Halliburton) I believe is why Cheney gave up the search for Bin Laden and focused all of his attention on Iraq. Now to address why I label GW as the most corrupt President in our history. His Vice President (I should say his father’s pick for VP) D
ck Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton right up to the year 2000, the same year GW was elected President. According to my research, he still received deferred payments of $1 million a year while he was VP. Tell me that isn’t a conflict of interest. GW. probably doesn’t even know what a conflict of interest is! Anyway here is an “ex” CEO of Halliburton, a company that is, “An oil-services company that also provides construction and military support services” for the US Military. This is a man that ran a multi-billion dollar company and after 9 years and more than a trillion tax-free dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) there isn’t one (NOT ONE) completed project in Iraq. ON GW’s WATCH, the banks here in the US started giving hundreds of billions of dollars in substandard loans, basically all you needed was a heart-beat and a pen to get one. Much of the time there wasn’t any income verification…there was only the need for greed by the banks, writing bad loans one after the other while giving out million dollar bonuses for doing so. He had Cheney running the war in Iraq, if GW wasn’t such a moron he would have at least kept a half opened eye on the economy here in the States. Another reason I call him a moron is because right after the Republicans lost the 2008 election he gave the banks $750 billion, no questions asked. That is taxpayer money!! You cannot just give it away! Unless of course you are a moron! Before he became President ole GW was a drunk and a womanizer. The Republicans realizing that there was a huge untapped voting block in the Religious Right portrayed him as a devout Christian, and it worked enough to have him manipulated into Office (with the help of indented chads and the Supreme Court).
I just saw his interview for his new book “Decision Points”, every time he was asked a question he replied, “read the book”. That is because he doesn’t have any idea what is in the book or what was done during his Presidency…he is a moron. I will always remember him for his infamous words, “Mission Accomplished” after which our dead soldier count went from approximately 168 to numbering in the thousands. He is a moron, he was Cheney’s favorite puppet, and he doesn’t have a clue what happened to his reputation, how he single-handedly, and through his ineptness, may have destroyed this country’s economy. Because of him, GW Bush, I am truly ashamed to say I am an American, he has authorized the killing of thousands of innocent civilians and turned a good part of the world against us. This is just the tip of the iceberg…there is water boarding, inhumane treatment of prisoners, total disregard for the Iraqi people’s rights and welfare, the Patriot Act (where your telephone conversations can be tapped and your computer and records confiscated without just cause or a search warrant in the name of National Security), he spent $4billion dollars on the Mexico/US border fence that is completely ineffective, etc., etc.

Answer #13

Alright, I understand. You hate George bush and you are a left wing conspiracist. You probably believe Bush had something to do with 911. If you are ashamed to be American than please take your bias views and move away. It’s people like you that are the problem with this country.

Answer #14

No! My politics is middle of the road. Some things about the Dems I like and some things about the Reps I like.

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