Do you think dumb people realize they are the way they are?

Every day I seem to run across at least two people that make me ask myself how they even feed themselves. So naturally I wonder if they know they are stupid. I have to think they don’t or they would do something about it! What do you guys think?

Answer #1

They obviously seem to think that they’re fine. People who are stupid usually focus on the things they think they “rule” at; Like running their mouths. Common occurance on this here earth.

Answer #2

Intelligence is mostly genetic. If people have a low IQ, then there’s not much they can do to change it. And generally people tend to know where they fit on the IQ scale.

Answer #3

If were talking dumb as in low iq, yes, most of them know they arent the brightest crayon in the box. It doesnt take a complete idiot to realize that your intellgence isnt up to par when your around other people. That doesnt mean the will admit that though, some have too much pride or are actually embaressed by it and may try and excel in other areas or over compensate and make themselves look worse. If your talking ignorance - then no, they usually dont know. They believe they are right and their way of thinking is the only way.

Answer #4

I am not talking about IQ necessarily, I mean that has quite a bit to do with it. But even simple common sense. And I know they run into people and think, man that person is dumb! When in fact they are no better! I’d bet someone that fits the profile I’m talking about will read this and comment on it, and if that happens I will let you know that you are actually dumb.

Answer #5

I am curious exactly what makes you an expert in judging the ‘dumbness’ of people?

Answer #6

I have been cursed with logic and common sense, those are the two prerequisites to becoming and expert in judging “dumbness”

Answer #7

Some people just speak without thinking, or get uncomfortable and try to be ‘funny’ and end up saying something really stupid -.- But most people aren’t ‘dumb’ as such, they just function differently and have different strengths and weaknesses. Einstein was thought of as dumb and lazy at school because he could never remember anything or never paid attention in class, later it was found out that he actually had so much on his mind that he just ignored school because he was so much more advanced (I read somewhere that he didn’t even take time to remember his home address because he had so much sciency mathy things on his mind! lol). There are some people that are… one taco short of a combo-plate… But you’ll probably find that they have some sort of hidden talent. Weather it be musical, artistic or just really good at knitting…

Answer #8

Well, I have a theory on this, because I’ve often pondered it, myself (how can anyone be that stupid?) - As I see it a person who is..let’s say, for the sake of consistency, “dumb” (although, we both know that’s not the proper term), they would think that everything they say and do is normal. So, even though they may have difficulty conversing with someone on a higher intellectual scale, they wouldn’t think that they are “unintelligent”. I’ve actually seen, here on FunAdvice, people argue that “im reely smart, my teachr sed im the highest grade at skool, so u kan go f* urself”, and the frightening part, is that these people actually believe it. Meanwhile, those who actually have gears grinding in their heads are doing double takes at the ignorant, stupid people. But alas! Ignorance is bliss!

Answer #9

Plenty of people are logical and have been blessed with common sense. Most of them dont have what it takes to proclaim to be an expert in judging others. There must be something that uniquely qualifies you.

Answer #10

Don’t think I claimed to be an expert. I just notice things. Right now I am noticing this subject bothers you. You must fit my description.

Answer #11

:) The attempted insult at my intelligence doesnt bother me. I just find it interesting when people feel the need to make a point like this. It’s like those homophobic republican senators who scream about homosexuality and then are caught with men. Often we rant and dislike things we see in ourselves. Not that I came up with that theory, someone much smarter than me did that.

Answer #12

Although one could argue that I seem to take offense at egotism and arrogance because those are qualities I don’t like in myself. And around and around we go…

Answer #13

I assure you I see none of this in myself. Also since you brought it up I am quite satisfied with being a “homophobic republican” however you will never catch me doing anything even remotely homosexual. It us much better than being a godless America hating socialist democrat.

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