Questions & Answers

  1. Why do I never feel hungry all of a sudden?
  2. How can I get rid of numbness fast after coming from the dentist 2 hours ago?
  3. What methods are there, if any, to improve on one's insecurity?
  4. How can I strengthen my back to be able to carry my breast weight more easily?
  5. Where and how can I get a 'skull animal' (Stuffed toy, NOT a real skull)?
  6. Would it be better to go to a community college for 2 years then transfer to a university or just start at a university?
  7. What can a 16 year old do if she doesn't want to attend college, but wants to still study child care?
  8. When was Canada Founded, by whom?
  9. Can anybody name me some cool 20th century African Americans?
  10. Why doesn't FunAdvice allow links to be added on a question?
  11. Why is society so obsessed with looking younger?
  12. Who gives the best live performance, "Taylor Swift, Katie Perry, Keisha?"
  13. What is Ebola?
  14. How do I get great conversation skills?
  15. Why does ink smell weird?
  16. Why does the GOP leadership want to see the PATRIOT Act made permanent?
  17. What are the pros and cons of having the government in our eveyday lives and do you approve?
  18. Do all actors start off in theatre?
  19. What does it mean to be a sophisticated person?
  20. Does Joanna Levesque, the singer, (aka JoJo) smoke cigarettes or drink?
  21. How many smokers and non-smokers are there in the United States if you're talking ethnic groups?
  22. Is that Chris Culfer's (who plays Curt on Glee) real voice?
  23. Who knows how the flat iron was invented or why they came up with it?
  24. How do I use back up assistance on my Verizon phone?
  25. Where can I get nitrous oxide (sweet air/laughing gas)?
  26. Would it be considered weird to gain sexual pleasure from self harm (cutting, burning)?
  27. How would you critique this short story I wrote not long ago?
  28. What happens if I had my SAT but I missed the test date?
  29. What are some ways to increase the moisture in your eyes without eyedrops?
  30. Are you supposed to wear tampons at night as well?
  31. Is it possible to become more photogenic?
  32. What part of the Christian bible can I find where it says that Jesus is the son of God but that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one?
  33. What should I do about my living situation?
  34. How do you erase all of the songs off of an iPod?
  35. What do you think about the FDA's control of food packaging?
  36. What is Spencer's?
  37. Where can I find an alternate fingering chart for a 4 valve euphonium?
  38. Do you like places like Hot Topic?
  39. WHat is a Haiku about summer?
  40. How many bus drivers got a DUI in any given year (preferably 2010)?
  41. How old was Lil Wayne when he started rapping?
  42. Do clothing stores let you try on bras?
  43. Why is my school taking out homeroom?
  44. Is it true that if you use alot of gel you hair can fall out?
  45. What causes getting light headed?
  46. How can I save battery life on my Samsung Fascinate?
  47. How would you be isolated?
  48. How can you get somebody to try new foods?
  49. How come when things happen between people it affects one and it changes their attitude in life and everything?
  50. Where are good places to volunteer other than animal shelters?
  51. How do you take songs from YouTube and put them on your iPod?
  52. What are some bands like Rise Against?
  53. Can someone help me with this, what do i do?
  54. What is Nemo's dad's name on Finding Nemo?
  55. Is this clean and clear morning burst making my skin so dry?
  56. What are some great songs from the 80's era and the 90's music era?
  57. How do I know if somebody added me in hotmail?
  58. How do you connect Keiv, Sunni, Shiite and Rome?
  59. What are some ways you try to distract yourself from homework?
  60. what are some tips when using acrylic paints?
  61. What is Lady GaGa' s real name?
  62. Do you think it's too early to have a birthday party 3 months before your birthday?
  63. What's the difference between tuna (in a can) in oil & tuna in water ?
  64. Is their a new chat feature on here now, and if so how do you use it?
  65. What is the biggest muscle in the body?
  66. What do you think of poptarts?
  67. Who do you think is the best female singer on Glee?
  68. Why do I have the urge to put water in my pop?
  69. How do I prevent cravings?
  70. Is My Life as Liz on MTV acted or real?
  71. How do people get cholesterol or be diabetic?
  72. how to hae sex in a bath?
  73. Is chocolate milk bad for you when you have a fever?
  74. Which place is better to go to for acting Rada or Lamda and why?
  75. Is it safe to use a Motorola Defy in the shower?
  76. what is the male/female ratio on here?
  77. How do you shave with an eletric razor?
  78. Is adding/subtracting positive and negative integers easy for you?
  79. What does the necklace with a blue eye mean?
  80. Who has seen the series 24?
  81. Would you donate your infant's organs if it was not technically "dead" yet, even if it were certain death was imminent?
  82. Is April Kenper on Greys Anatomy still a virgin?
  83. How can a stepfather, discipline a 6 year old girl and a 10 year old boy?
  84. Are horoscopes against the bible?
  85. Why do I get cramps after I pee?
  86. is the cholesterol in egg yolk HDL or LDL?
  87. why do some kids commit suicide over bullying?
  88. Who else on here likes Indian/ Bollywood Movies?
  89. Is there any way you can help your 10 year old to concentrate more in school?
  90. Why do I still get morning sickness 6 months on?
  91. How do people end up going missing?
  92. Where can I buy a mac game online?
  93. Do you really think spending 20 hours on a computer is bad for you?
  94. What are some of the most romantic movies of all time?
  95. How come it takes a long time for a person to understand math?
  96. What are 1 or 2 tsunamis that were really destructive BESIDES the one in the Indian Ocean on December 26th?
  97. Would minx nails damage your real nails?
  98. What is an appropriate time for a ten year old to go to bed?
  99. How much does a debtors clerk earn in South Africa?
  100. Why do some forums contain software, music, movies, and video games?