what is the male/female ratio on here?

Answer #1

I don’t really know, but I do seem to see more girls than guys.

Answer #2

I agree

Answer #3

i see a lot more younger girls trying to get advice, but i think there are quite a lot of boys slightly older that are here more to give advice

Answer #4

We would have to know how many girl and boys there are, but I have seen more girls here, like the above said.

Answer #5

there is always a man there to answer our technical problems.. :)

Answer #6

The users are 31.02% male, 68.98% female, . and the ratio male / female = 0.45. . Sorry about the ludicrous “precision” in the percentages - the number you get if the female percentage is rounded up to either two or three significant figures is apparently a naughty-rude word that is banned by the FunAdvice net-nanny software.

Answer #7

haha nice

Answer #8

lol I can’t tell if ur serious

Answer #9

Male = 71,797; Female = 159,648; Total =231,445

Use the Gender drop down menu and “Find” on the “People” tab that accesses http://www.funadvice.com/chat

Answer #10

Honest that is the genuine facts - see my response to haloyeah’s comment.

Answer #11

sorry meant about the naughty word

Answer #12

@micheaL Try typing the result of what you get if you add 60% to 9% and post it as a response to this comment and you will see what I mean. ….. Try correcting this and posting it: .

“… 60% + 9% = 68% …”

. and you will see what I mean.

Answer #13

ahahaha forgive me for being slow

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