Would it be considered weird to gain sexual pleasure from self harm (cutting, burning)?

and what are your thoughts on this?

Answer #1

no lots of ppl do that

Answer #2

Well I consider it unusual but then again a lot of people do it. But it’s not good for you. Is there anything causing this? Are you depressed or anything like that? Funmail me if you want to talk

Answer #3

Masochism. Either way it’s still self harm. It’s not good. I wouldn’t exactly say weird, just not good and I would say to find other ways to pleasure yourself rather than burning or cutting.

Answer #4

Sorry, too weird for me…

Answer #5

nope not depressed or anything just enjoy pain

Answer #6

I wouldn’t even say its “not good” or “weird” its normal and okay, just like some people like candles or bondage. I suppose as long as it doesn’t go too far that ends up in perminent health issues or unwanted scars. Its just personal. I get that way with tattoos and piercings, the two nicest feelings to me. Most people think its odd, but Its coomforting. Sometimes If I am out fora drive and the weather gets bad and I freak out, getting a tattoo or piercing calms me down.

Answer #7

It’s called Sadism masochism, it’s completely normal many people have different fetishes and that it is just one of them….I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as it stays a pleasure and doesn’t turn into a problem like self harming in normal day life….. Hope I Answered Your Question!

Answer #8

I wouldn’t say it’s weird, just something that should be kept under control.

Answer #9

you did thank you and it isnt a problem

Answer #10

Definitely not normal. I am 78 years old and never even heard of such until 8 years ago. God warns against such.

Answer #11

well i dont believe in god so i could care less if he warns or not.

Answer #12

If you enjoy pain then I wish I could share some of my arthiritic and other pain with you.

Answer #13

Then there is the basis for your question. You see, it matters not whether we “believe” in God because He is still very real and when we go against His teachings then our life is filled with confusion.

Answer #14

People do, do that, its not weird, just something you need to get help for.

Answer #15


Answer #16

Richard, you can’t back up your god being real, just as I can’t back up my gods being real. You shouldn’t use religion as a base to your answers, it’s not stable and it’s something that greatly fluctuates from person to person.

Answer #17

To me it is not normal. When people who live in this entire universe are in the attempt of curing and having good shape of body including smooth skin, those who go against it is not normal. If hurting other is a crime, what would you call hurting yourself. I would say someone who is in the state of being satisfied, either mentally or sexually when cutting himself do need help. There is something wrong with these people. I am saying this because I believe that I am considered normal when I say that I feel the pain when seeing someone in pain.

Answer #18

I am 100% agree with Haloyeah. They do need help.

Answer #19

I agree, religion is all in personal belief and there is no physical proof of such, therefore no religion should be forced or convinced of “the only and right way” to anyone.

Answer #20

Why would you need help? How about people who are obsessed with feet, or teeth, or people who enjoy having sed with 400lb+ individuals, or those who like to be suffocated or stepped on or crushed durring the intamacy of sex. Do they need help? Just because we dont all like candles, soft elevator music and fire places doesn’t mean they need help.

Answer #21

Neithere can you back up the fact that you have a brain. You have probably been told that you have one or you just assume that you have one but you have never seen it, never touched it, never handled it but you have faith that you do have one. It s about FAITH.

Answer #22

Yes, it is, but to have faith you must have reason. Not everyone is born with reason. Some people must learn and some people don’t. And FAITH can be instilled in yourself, after all in order to put all your belief in something you can not taste, touch, feel, or actually HOLD or see, takes belief and faith in yourself. So basically you are chasing your tail because If I believe that God is a girl with a nice rack and killer legs, then no one can really disagree because that is my belief, and my faith that some day I get to meet her, haha.

Answer #23

Yes, it is, but to have faith you must have reason. Not everyone is born with reason. Some people must learn and some people don’t. And FAITH can be instilled in yourself, after all in order to put all your belief in something you can not taste, touch, feel, or actually HOLD or see, takes belief and faith in yourself. So basically you are chasing your tail because If I believe that God is a girl with a nice rack and killer legs, then no one can really disagree because that is my belief, and my faith that some day I get to meet her, haha.

Answer #24

and I would also like to bring you to the 21st century, there is this silly thing called a catscan, or an MRI, even xray machienes, they are magical little SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN things that say there is a brain in every living funcioning human being. Just saying….

Answer #25

It is obvious that you enjoy stirring the pot. I am going back to bed as it will be time to get up in a couple of hours.

Answer #26

Its simply fact. I still have 4 hours left of my 12 hour night shift, so I’ll be here if you change your mind.

Answer #27

not really from a psychological point view…that is one way how some people deal with pleasure…but sexually…..you must be kinky……….you nasty…….lol

Answer #28

I agree until the end: it’s the same as self-harming in normal daily life, sexuality is a part of normal daily life, but there are people that accidentally kill themselves looking for that giant thrill. So just be careful and know where it’s okay to do things and where it’s not. There are certain places where one cut without immediate attention could kill you, so if you’re going to do something like cutting for sexual pleasure, don’t be stupid about it. Read up, learn, and then do whatever the heck you like, so your parents don’t have to find you dead in your bed with your hands down your pants.

Answer #29

The only reason I agree with haloyeah and Sri Setiyowati is because of the psychological aspect. There are normal psychosexualities and abnormal ones, and the normal ones don’t have anything to do with candles and elevator music. I think that haloyeah might have been referring to the fact that someone that goes just a little too far with something like this could, in fact, die. That might hinder their lives just a bit, don’t you think? Try to think about why someone might want to start hurting themselves during something that’s supposed to be so loving. I mean, when you start to like someone, is your first instinct to think, “Oh man, I wish they would run a blade through my flesh?” There is evidence that masochism traces back to r@pe and/or molestation, but then everyone has those little things that turn them on, even if they sound weird, that probably trace back to some event in their lives, regardless of how small and insignificant. Eh, I don’t know, I forgot my point. Whatever, it’s been proven that, on average, danger and being afraid doesn’t affect men’s sexualities, but it makes women uneasy and not comfortable with going straight to sex from there. On average! Average, sadly, is what is considered “normal,” although there is really no such thing as normal, and therefore, there really is no such thing as “weird.” So, to answer, your question, no, not weird, “weird,” doesn’t exist.

Answer #30

The short-term relief that they feel from the habit, despite knowing it is destructive and harmful. Often, it takes time and patience for a teenager or anyone to stop the habit of cutting oneself, but sometimes, therapy may be required. Discussing the problem of teen cutting with a counselor or trained professional. In other words it’s unnatural. The act of cutting oneself is a very personal, intimate act that teens will be secretive about even if they are not ashamed. When talked to about the issue of teen cutting, they vary in their reactions. My advice to anyone playing out these delusional acts is to: Boost Your Self Esteem & Take Control Of Your Inner Critic. By Moving beyond you’re limitations & creating happiness in your life! There is no joy in pain. & although the pain & pleasure may be temporary for you, the long lasting effects that you are going to bring on others will be unlimited & long lasting. You need a role-model or a hug or something. As for now “It is sick…..”

Answer #31

me never gone it but hay go for it just not to deep haha

Answer #32

I have to say that it has already become a problem the very first thought & then acting on the the thought. Rather its called “Sadism masochism or razor play.” I call it being self destructive. It’s not normal…

Answer #33

“I’m not done, in fact I’m just getting started.”

You may say religion has no solid proof and God does not exist. But science is just theory based, there is technically no way you can be anymore right than the way they feel. A lot of people won’t believe in God, until their on their death bed, or a near death experience (NED) happens. So that makes the non-believers, agnostic & atheist open game for Satan.. & I’m sorry for that. I know that God don’t like ugly, it was written.. I am not one to judge you if you do or don’t believe in God or not..But, Trust me there is a lot of good information to learn from holy book & religious material; but just as the saying goes, “Take what you need, and throw out the rest,” For all you nonbelievers.

As long as you have a good heart & your intentions are meant to do good, Then apply it to your everyday lifestyle of living. If you take “all” the religions in general and read them at your own whim; Then do so, But do so with an open-mind & don’t criticize.

There is so much important information that has to do with God and being a good person that anyone could live by. It also adds to your character , state of mind & wisdom. But by no means should you knock someone, If they are trying to lead someone down the right path, or come to they’re aid. Rather God is involved or not. It’s what you learn from the lesson that is being taught, that will further you on in life….

As for now, You have my blessings….

Answer #34

well my heart and intentions are good and i do take things from the bible and put it into my everyday life and not because i believe in god but it has good lessons. I would appreciate if you wouldnt “preach” on a question that doesnt really have to do with the question being asked.

Answer #35

Let me put it this way—–I would far rather live my life thinking there is no God and then at the end discover that there is a GOD than to live my life thinking there is no God and then discover at the end that THERE IS A GOD!

Answer #36

I’m sorry Kat. Please except my apology. Thank you for making that clear. It was wrong for me to preach. I didn’t mean to preach or upset you.

You’re the best! :)

Answer #37

Disregard the above post. I am to tired tonight to be saying anything. Doctor appointments Friday and all next week, spinal surgery next Friday.

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