Questions & Answers

  1. What color eyeshadow looks good on tan skin?
  2. How tall am I going to get?
  3. How do you guys see the Fifa 08 for PS3?
  4. Will your parents let you get a tattoo?
  5. What are the best Fall movies?
  6. How can I lose 60lbs in 3 months?
  7. Where can a 13 year old work besides babysitting?
  8. Am I making too much of a big deal about my friend?
  9. How can you firm your butt?
  10. Is Orkut a good site to use?
  11. What is a good price for cleaning empty apartments/laundromats?
  12. Do you think I am fat?
  13. How can I get my hair back to blonde?
  14. Do you think about that special someone when falling asleep?
  15. Is honey fattening?
  16. Am I the only one who feels lonely?
  17. How can I ask this girl out?
  18. How can I deal with my overprotective Mum?
  19. What are some good tattoo ideas?
  20. How can I stop feeling so depressed?
  21. Does anyone want to talk through Fun Mail?
  22. Does Oregon drug test mothers and babies?
  23. Any advice on announcing my girlfriend's pregnancy to our parents?
  24. How do I view my child's private Myspace?
  25. What do you think of belly button piercings?
  26. What are the religions of some rappers?
  27. Should I give up my dream of being in a band?
  28. Where can I get a nuclear waste removal costume?
  29. What if I'm getting really sick of boyfriends?
  30. Why can't I upload my pictures?
  31. Mandy, how does it feel to be a celebrity?
  32. What should I do if my Dad and Stepmom are splitting up?
  33. What do people consider funny?
  34. What if I want to have an affair?
  35. Should I go to the hospital?
  36. How can I get thicker legs?
  37. How can I feel stable again?
  38. How to know where to position streaks in my hair?
  39. How can I get him jealous?
  40. Would you pick a PS4 or XBox720?
  41. Why am I eating so much?
  42. What is a good home remedy for a hacking cough?
  43. How can I heal fast from my lung problem?
  44. How attractive am I?
  45. How can I see someone's music box in Myspace?
  46. Why do titles change?
  47. How do we approach doing stuff?
  48. Am I too skinny or average weight?
  49. How did my friend get to test this phone for free?
  50. Do you have to die before enjoying heavenly marriage?
  51. Where can I work if I'm 14?
  52. Should I go for him if he has a girlfriend?
  53. How long do you have to wait before taking a pregnancy test?
  54. How do you make a heart on Myspace?
  55. Should I pick mind or heart?
  56. What did you spend your time on before you used FunAdvice?
  57. How can I keep up with not eating?
  58. What do I do about this break up?
  59. When can I move out with my boyfriend in England?
  60. How old do you have to be to drop out in Kentucky?
  61. Are they going to make this Harry Potter movie?
  62. How do I convince my friends that I'm eating?
  63. How can I turn my failing grades around?
  64. How can I stop mean people from making fun of my best friend?
  65. Have any of you heard the band Fall From Grace?
  66. When is the best time to purge after you eat?
  67. How do you put tampons in?
  68. How can I get this loser to stop following me?
  69. Is it safe to ejaculate under your briefs and let it dry?
  70. Mandy, how can I write to you?
  71. Should I lose 10 pounds?
  72. What's the best facial care to pamper my skin?
  73. Do I ignore the fact that my best friend lied to me?
  74. What are good websites with stuff for my Myspace?
  75. Am I getting enough exercise?
  76. Are credit cards dangerous for low-budget people?
  77. How can I get my boyfriend to fit inside all the way?
  78. When should I kiss her?
  79. How does the morning after pill work?
  80. Where can I learn psychology before college?
  81. What does a septum piercing feel like?
  82. How to make my daughter see that she's too young to move out?
  83. Why are people so immature?
  84. What if my crush cares about me more than my boyfriend?
  85. Does getting a tattoo on the pelvis hurt?
  86. Can I place an ad to sell my car?
  87. What are the most common job interview questions?
  88. How hard is it to learn to play the guitar?
  89. Does anyone know the name of this song from MTV?
  90. Does not eating help you lose weight?
  91. Why do guys always like skinny girls?
  92. How do I make my hair look good when wet?
  93. Why do guys always just want sex?
  94. How many disposable contacts come in an Acuvue box?
  95. Is it illegal to download music for my personal use only?
  96. Is this pain in my kidney and how do I stop it?
  97. Is it uncool not to wear brand name clothing?
  98. How can I get my hair to grow longer and be healthy?
  99. What's an exercise that tones and tightens your thighs?
  100. Can I move out after graduation?