Does not eating help you lose weight?

this is for any girl that tried stop eating as a fator to lose weight

does it work?

Answer #1

when I was 13 I tried to stop lossing weight by stop eating I didn’t eat breakfeast or lunch or dinner I use to scrape all the food and stuff in the bin and then I become anxcioa and I didn’t eat then I had to go to a specialist and then I only weighed 10 kg and I had to go into hospital and get back to my normal weight and I weigh now about 90kg

Answer #2

yes, you do lose weight when you stop eating but it takes a few days to start losing weight, even then the first thing you lose when you stop eating is your butt, and it takes a while before you can get that untra flat stomach, by the time you do, your butt will no longer be there, so if your one of those lucky chics that has a butt you shouldnt stop eating just to lose a few pounds!

all you have to do is learn to eat the right foods and eat it in small portions, only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and if you have the erge to eat a snack make sure it is something healthy like a piece of fruit, but if your just NOT into healthy snacks you can eat unhealthy snacks but eat A SERVING SIZE ONLY!!!

Answer #3

I would say in the long run no. I stoped eating for 7 days and every day I looked at the scale and I thought I was losing weight but I figred out it was all my muscle and I had all my fat still…so I decided to start eating again and I started gaing weight fast …I ended up being 20 pounds more than I started! It sucked and I regreted it so much. So really its only hurting you…stealing your muscle, makeing you hungry, bad for your body and health, and makes you gain weight unless your planing on not eating ever again! Beka- 15

Answer #4

yes you do. After much research, when you starve yourself you lose fat first then the muscle goes away. The key to it is finding out when you run out of fat to lose. This can be judge on your own. Furthermore, after exercising after you have fasted your weight will actually stay at that level for quite awhile. I lost 20 pounds in two months, but it took me two years to gain that weight back through moderate exercise. Now I’m on the diet again but I realized that most of my new weight is muscle based.

Answer #5

I see there’s tons of yes and nos.

Well, honestly, if you do it the RIGHT way yeah you loose weight.

Your body does take the muscle away first because it has more nutrients your body’s craving then it goes after the fat.

So this is what I use to do, every time I’d get a headache from not eating much, I’d exercise for 5-10 mins [I COULD have gone longer but there wasn’t much of a need] to get rid of my head ache and NO you don’t feel dizzy doing it.

I ate only fruits and veggies too.

And when you stop eating, you don’t loose your butt first all the time, it depends on YOUR body.

Also, the fruits and veggies have natural sugars in them, so when you feel dizzy or out of energy they give you a boost.

Make sure to only drink water or Propel. Nothing else.

Hope I helped [you may not loose A LOT of weight but you will most deff shape up!]

Answer #6

Yes, you will. In fact, put a duct tape over your mouth for three whole weeks and see all those pounds drop as your body survives on fat cells alone. When you start eating again, though, you will gain at the speed of light.

Answer #7

your metabolism slows down and then anything that you eat your body will hold on to and store the fat straight away

it doesnt have any long term (6 month+) effect

it does nothing for your health especially your face you will look sick from lack of nutrients

I did it so I would know>>> so did my godsister she went anorexic by it and then she got obese when she started eating again


Answer #8

im 14 and I weigh 20 stone, I just dont no what to do because for my whole life I’ve been over weight and I admit I say I try but I just get such a craving for fatty foods. I had decided to try not eating at all for awhile to see if there would be any results but after looking through the internet most people who experienced it said it didnt work out. Does anyone no an easy way of losing weight fat that has a long term result and doesnt gain back all the pounds a few weeks after your target weight..?please help me as this has been ruining my life for so long. At times because of this I have felt depressed and over dosed. I JUST THINK IF I LOSE WEIGHT MY DEPRESSION AND STRESS WOULD BE GONE I JUST NEED HELP!

Answer #9

no it does not becuase when you do not eat, ur hunger feeds on your muscle first and THEN on your fat. So you will lose your muscle first, before you start losing weight. I suggest eating less

Answer #10

I would say in the long run no. I stoped eating for 7 days and every day I looked at the scale and I thought I was losing weight but I figred out it was all my muscle and I had all my fat still…so I decided to start eating again and I started gaing weight fast …I ended up being 20 pounds more than I started! It sucked and I regreted it so much. So really its only hurting you…stealing your muscle, makeing you hungry, bad for your body and health, and makes you gain weight unless your planing on not eating ever again!

Answer #11

actually, no when you dont eat, your body actually stores it’s fat, making it ultimitly harder to lose weight, which means you actually hole on to the weight instead of losing it. also, not eating does not give you a flat stomach, and it is proven. so if you are in fact overweight, I suggest cutting out fatty foods in your diet, or limiting them, and improving on your fruits/vegetable intake. Also, go to a gym and work out for 30mins a day, 5 times a week!

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