Questions & Answers

  1. Which foreign country would you recommend most?
  2. How can I convince my parents to drive me around?
  3. How much money would a good studio cost?
  4. Is cursive dead?
  5. Will my Mom be OK?
  6. What is there to do on a Friday night?
  7. Does anyone have advice for a possibly pregnant teen?
  8. Can I heal with my hands?
  9. What's the big deal?
  10. Am I too short for my age?
  11. How can I calm down my frizzy hair?
  12. Is it OK to wear skinny jeans with athletic legs?
  13. How soon should I test for pregnancy?
  14. What if my sister's friends like me but they're like family?
  15. Where should a felon work in Kansas?
  16. How do I convince my Mom to let me get a cartilege piercing?
  17. Where do I stand on a scale of 1-10?
  18. Is there a legal solution to medical malpractice?
  19. Can I move in with my Aunt?
  20. Should I get these games for my Nintendo DS?
  21. Is there an overlap with signs if you're on the cusp?
  22. How can I speed up my period?
  23. How can I lose mad weight?
  24. Do you think he wants me back?
  25. Why do I have morning sickness lately if I'm a virgin?
  26. Is it still possible to order books at the library?
  27. Will I ever get my period?
  28. Can a girl get pregnant from this?
  29. How to decrease my breast size?
  30. Why are parents never satisfied?
  31. How can I make her understand that I don't like her romantically?
  32. Where can I find a picture of Zelda being tickled?
  33. Where can an ex-felon work in Atlanta?
  34. Is liking someone and flirting different?
  35. How do I get a Hannah Montana backstage pass?
  36. Where do you think I should move?
  37. How can I become happy?
  38. Will Klonopin show up as a Benzodiazepine on a drug test?
  39. Can anyone help me stay on a diet?
  40. What can I do about my weight?
  41. Is Robert Morris University a good production school?
  42. What are some good truth or dares?
  43. Can I move in with my Mom if she doesn't have custody?
  44. Where does a Pit receive shots?
  45. How can I help my friend that's hurt?
  46. Should I stay with the father of my unborn baby?
  47. How long do pills and cocaine take to get out of the system?
  48. What's the best place to apply for college scholarships?
  49. What's your definition of fitness?
  50. Can I Get Married at 16?
  51. Can I move out of my parents' house?
  52. How can I lose weight I gained fast?
  53. How do I fix what I said to the guy I like?
  54. Can I move out at 17?
  55. Where to get the Valerie George song "Emotionally in Love"?
  56. Is anyone here into anarchy?
  57. Am I too skinny?
  58. What's a good excuse for skipping a class?
  59. What to do if my friend suddenly stops talking to me?
  60. How do you play Green Day Good Riddence?
  61. When is SmackDown vs RAW 2008 going to be released?
  62. Can you give me some brand name products?
  63. Why do I get bad grades?
  64. What's
  65. Are you from London?
  66. How can I make my vagina odor go away?
  67. How can I convince my parents to move?
  68. What to do to attract a guy?
  69. I have an Internet stalker, what do I do?
  70. Where does Cole Sprouse live?
  71. Does anyone like Josh Groban?
  72. Who loves the Twilight series?
  73. What if this man was mean to me about my singing?
  74. Any advice on how to be skinny?
  75. What's the real story ?
  76. What do you think ?
  77. What does a broke girl get her boyfriend for his birthday?
  78. What do I do if I like my boyfriend and my ex?
  79. How do you make out?
  80. Why do I feel cold even when it's warm out?
  81. How can I help my friend who's becoming anorexic?
  82. What are some popular books you dislike?
  83. Why does my cervix bleed when it shouldn't?
  84. Where can a convicted felon work in Indiana?
  85. Why do I get more angry when people are talking to me?
  86. What does a guy mean when he asks you to go out with him?
  87. Why is the french horn called the french horn?
  88. What night job should I do for more money?
  89. How many films must you make daily in the adult film industry?
  90. What are good names for a baby girl?
  91. What's the funniest story your mother tells about you?
  92. What do you want life to be like at 60?
  93. What's the best gift you can give to yourself?
  94. Who sing the song titled "Aicha" ?
  95. Where was the parasite that causes malaria found?
  96. Where was the Clementine orange born?
  97. Why does my cousin want to grow down?
  98. How can my friend find out if these guys like her back?
  99. Where can I get punk outfits?
  100. Can women have orgasms during intercourse?