Why does my cervix bleed when it shouldn't?

Okay bleeding for me during sex isnt that unordinary. sometimes its a lot, like as if i just got my period, othertimes you cant even tell until you look at the condom and see a tint of red. its really embaressing either way. im just wondering why this happens and yes dont worry ive been checked for std’s more than once. Also i just had my period a week ago, it ended, then two days later i had sex, then all of a sudden i started spotting for the next 3 days after sex even tho i had just recently had my period. its really frustuarating. any idea y my cervix seems to be so sensitive.

Answer #1


I’m wondering if it could be friction that’s causing this. If you aren’t lubricated enough, you could become irritated down there. Try using some storebought lube, you can get it from any drugstore.

Answer #2

Dear forever, Yes, it can be normal after sex to have some spotting at times…but if it is happening every time then there could be a problem. Sex should be comfortable and if it is too rough or you are not lubricated well this can be a problem…you don’t any damage because this can breed infections. See your doctor for a check up and discuss this with them…they may recommend something to help heal the small wounds if that’s what you have. Sue…good luck

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