Questions & Answers

  1. Do I have an ear infection?
  2. I got the puppy
  3. What are Preps?
  4. How to get over an ex?
  5. Can I get around this rule on eBay?
  6. What is a healthy size for me?
  7. What are good exercises for better abs?
  8. How much would this tattoo cost?
  9. Why don't I look as thin as the scale says I should?
  10. Who said this quote?
  11. How to convince my Mom for a puppy?
  12. Is there a rumor about me on FunAdvice?
  13. Can I become emancipated in Wisconsin?
  14. How to tell my friends and family I'm bi?
  15. How to answer these questions on job applications?
  16. How to get weed out of your system?
  17. Do they sell Koffee Brown CDs where you live?
  18. How to help a bulimic friend?
  19. What if he doesn't like me like that?
  20. What does it feel like to have a seizure?
  21. What are some good reliable ringtone sites?
  22. Who else thinks Sundays suck?
  23. What to do when I'm kicked out and pregnant?
  24. What are your thoughts on my poem?
  25. What do you think of this?
  26. How to convince my Mom for a rat?
  27. What Wii game should I get on my birthday?
  28. Anyone know how to use PHONEZOO.COM??
  29. Can I send a picture from computer to a cell phone?
  30. Was it a mistake getting a Wii instead of XBOX 360?
  31. Where can I get more pics like this?
  32. Which do you like best, the Zune, Zen, or iPod?
  33. What are you doing for New Years?
  34. How to see if someone is good at guitar or drums?
  35. What's the one thing you would die for?
  36. How is this poem I wrote for my boyfriend?
  37. How to tell my Mom about my boyfriend?
  38. How to get my boyfriend turned on over the phone?
  39. How old do you think I am?
  40. Where to find a Yorkshire puppy in VA?
  41. How to get my email account back?
  42. Does anyone know any good diet pills?
  43. Do your songs usually start by writing poetry?
  44. Are my parakeet eggs fertile?
  45. How to get movies on my Philips mp3 player?
  46. Is it possible to be pregnant 2 months after having an abortion?
  47. How to start being good at acting?
  48. How to take down swelling in my nose?
  49. Would you be in a relationship with someone with a STD?
  50. Call of Duty 4 or Rainbow Six Vegas?
  51. How can I hold off from binging until Wednesday?
  52. Why is my belly button ring itchy?
  53. How good is Urban Decay cosmetics?
  54. How do you get beachy waves?
  55. How to use a diffuser?
  56. When can I find out if I'm pregnant?
  57. Is it OK to date someone right after being dumped?
  58. What are the signs of pregnancy?
  59. How to stop my parents from being angry about my depression?
  60. Where can I buy the items in this picture?
  61. Why does Bebo take so long to upload photos?
  62. Does he like me?
  63. What can I do to stay motivated to lose weight?
  64. Did Adam have a wife before Eve?
  65. How do I play movies on my XBOX 360?
  66. Are there any Gorillaz fans here?
  67. Does anyone like Spongebob?
  68. Think you know Halo?
  69. How strong is your belief in God?
  70. What time is it where you live?
  71. What's the funniest prank you've pulled?
  72. How to get over him?
  73. Which is lighter: hot air or cold air?
  74. Is Christianophobia a problem?
  75. Is the Bible in the fiction or non-fiction section of the library?
  76. Is Service Pack 3 released yet?
  77. When should I start to train?
  78. How can I become more motivated?
  79. Are extra-curriculars that important?
  80. A lifelong query...
  81. Do you sometimes have difficulty reading your own writing?
  82. Do you have more than 10 unread emails in your inbox?
  83. Why does my heart hurt?
  84. How do I seperate the sentences?
  85. Should I just take the hits?
  86. How do you tone up your stomach?
  87. Is my religion why he won't tell his parents about me?
  88. How can I make vests a fad?
  89. What is a debut album?
  90. Which Guitar Hero do you like best?
  91. Why do nice guys finish last?
  92. How much should a 13-year-old weigh?
  93. How to put movies on my Philips MP3 player?
  94. Can you tell we're sisters?
  95. Do leg warmers make your legs look thinner?
  96. How do you braid hair?
  97. What Is A Hero?
  98. How to activate my cellphone?
  99. What is the meaning of deja vus?
  100. Do you know who you really are?