Should I just take the hits?

ok so I was bending down to get something out of my locker and some girl saw my g-string. next thing you know the hole school knows. now all the girls are caling me a sl*t and saying when I get to school there all going to beat me up, and teach me how to wearproper underwear not thoungs. I told them that I can wear whatever I want and its not like I made my g-string show on purpose.

Should I transfer schools or should I just take the hits. cus they are serious.

Answer #1

I don’t understand, how the hell this has anything to do with the other girls… this is totally your own free choice to do and wear whatever you want, they have no right to judge you, just because of the typre of underwear you use… thats just plain wrong!

anyways, I think the girls in your school are messed up, If it was me, I’d transfer schools, because I wouldn’t want to be surrounded my people like that all the time, I would want to be able to do whatever I want or wear whatever I want, without being judged! perhaps you’ll meet bettter girls if you transfer… but thats just my opinion anyway!

Answer #2

Well I don’t know what their problem is you can wear whatever you want. most of the girls at my school wear thongs and g strings and they show all the time! not purposely of course, but seriously, those people need to get a life

Answer #3

They are just immature girls that are jealous because you are taking them away from the guuys. take the hits and fight them back ! wearing a thong is not slutty and they shouldn’t make such a big deal out of really . . . nothing !

Answer #4

Wanting to beat you up because you wear thongs is really immature on their part. a lot of girls wear thongs, its not a crime. You shouldnt have to take any of their threats, because its none of their business. If you have any guy friends, let them walk you in, and out of school. Never let your guard down, and never be alone. Let a teacher or any other adult you trust in on whats going on, or your school counselor. They can give you advice on how to handle the situation so it doesnt get physical.

Answer #5

That makes me sooo f^ckin mad. I would take the sh^t but I’d fight back and get my friends on them. but it would be like a huge battle. haha.

but seriously. You can do whatever the f^ck you want!!! I wear them to! psh. if I went to your school I’d back you up and fight them with you. How f^ckin stupid though!

Answer #6

I would just be like. your obsessing over my underwear..? what are you guys lezbos? or somthing ( not that its a bad thing. just saying they would prob get embaressed)…” Or just say. “ what do you wear granny panties??? oh yea thats much better.”:):) lol best of luck !! go gettem babe !!! justMe_xxd

Answer #7

Ok well wearing a thong really isn’t slutty! The girls are just jealous and pathetic and probably feel threatened by you. You should start hanging out with guys, who will like the fact you wear a thong. Also don’t fight back because that will just make it worse. Just take the hits and try to ignore it but if they really do beat you up go tell someone. I know it’s like hated but don’t let them hurt you! Hope this helped x

Answer #8

ya I would fight back but I have no friends. I started school a week before Christmas break so im the new kid. but I will throw in a few punches here and there.

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