How to get over him?

My ex broke up with me a while back but for some reason I still cant get him out of my mind…I want him back so bad…it seems like everytime I start to do ok without him he’ll start texting me again or trying to talk to me in class…I dont think he has any idea what he does to me…I want us to get back together but I’m not sure if he wants that…the other day we even had a conversation about when we were still dating…that was the happiest I had ever been…without him my life is boring. What do I do?

Answer #1

If he wanted you back, Im sure he would have told you by now. The best thing you can do for yourself is STOP all contact with him, because its only sending you mixed messages. The less you know about what hes doing the better. Focus on yourself and your confidence. You want to stop thinking about the ex, not continue it! Unfortunately there are tons of break ups out there, don’t let it make you bitter. You have to date around, find out what you want in a relationship, find out what a relationship is really about, before you finally find that one relationship where you won’t break up. It sucks but there’s always hope. It won’t always hurt so badly. Just try to keep that in mind. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Answer #2

I think yall stop seein each other but if you really want him then either talk to him or get him to admit he still has feelings for u

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