How to get over an ex?

When you still want to be friends with someone but yet there your ex so its like your still trying to get over them cause you were in love with them and somedays you think your over them but all it takes is some one to mention you loving them and missing them and the tears fall again. what do you do? RAWR

Answer #1

I know I really wanted to me friends with my ex but I turned into the “crazy ex-girlfriend” thing and friends thing didnt work…

but keep trying and dont call him as much as you did…

I know this probaly dont make sense im tired and rambling…

but sometimes it works

Answer #2

Try to find someone else who is perfect for u.

Answer #3

the easiest solution I can think of, is keep yourself busy, I split with my ex after 5 and half years and we still talk, she’s with someone else and am fine with it, I have had my moments but I get along fine :)

Answer #4

I went through that I tried at first to be friends but neither of us could handle it so I stayed away for a while and then after I thought I was over it I tried again and it got better each time but it was more like we hung out and talked every once in a while like 1 or2 a month

Answer #5

You cant be friends if your still emotionally attached to him. If you truly want to get over him, which is usually the best thing…cut ALL ties with him.

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