Does he like me?

Well,this is a fairly long story.Please have some patience and write.^^ I saw this quite emo guy.He’s very polite but quiet.But he is caring too.Use to chat with him online.Im the one who always find topic to chat.Sometimes he will chat with me first.But when december holiday starts,I seldom online.And if I online,he never chat with me.And I also never chat with him. I went to other country to celebrate christmas.In the car,I was thinking whether will he msg me and wish me merry christmas.But I told myself not to think too much.He dont like me.So I better give up…After christmas,I went back to my country.And my phone rang.It was his msg.Wishing me merry christmas with a smiley face. I was totally shocked.I thought I was dreaming.And I start to think of him again.Think whether he like me or not.Think whether can we be together..You know,im really confuse.He can treat me good but he also can treat me cool.I just want to know whether he like me or not.

For your information,his horoscope is cancer.

Answer #1

if he chats with you first thats a definite sure thing that he wants to talk to you ! what I’ve learn’t with some guys and definitely the ones worth while is that you need to show even allitle bit of interest so that you can see how they react to it.. if you text him and talk to hum whenever you see him he will get the gist that you interested if if is to he will most likely act on it… you never know he might feel the same about you ! your doing exactly what he’s doing which is playing hot and cold… did you send him a xmas txt msg or would you have ? probably not so hes the one that made the first MOVE !

hope that helps and gives alittle clarity!

p.s make sure that that txt wasn’t one that was also forwarded to his other 50 contacts :-)

Answer #2

first off what do you mean ,if you mean I think(( not really))but like as a friend I totally think so!!!

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