How can I make vests a fad?

I really like vests and overall shorts but everyone else thinks there ugly…how can I make them a fad?

Answer #1

Actually, in my own personal opinion - if worn “correctly” and in such a way that it flatters their body type, vests and overall shorts can be hell-as hot. Like bimjob says, wear them with pride - and if they look sexy on you, others will begin to adopt them.

A friend of mine (we call him “Turkey”) found an old beanie hat that was once his Grandmother’s, the sort with the strings that you can tie it up under your chin. He thought it was hilarious so started wearing it, but with the strings undone. He wore it everywhere, then about 3 months later I noticed other people wearing similar hats, and then somehow it was this big fashion trend for a while. Once it caught on, Turkey stopped wearing the hat, because then he would have been like everyone else, but just about every one I know calls the hats “Turkey hats”, even people who’ve never met Turkey. So, there’s hope…

Answer #2

…overall shorts???

They WERE a fad… in 1992

Answer #3

vests were popular in 2005-06, the fad has pretty much died down now. and yes, they are pretty cool :] just wear what you want to wear, you don’t need other people liking it to feel good about YOU :]

Answer #4

I’ve seen WAYY too many people wearing vests. A lot of celebrities are into them causing lots of girls to be too.

But um.. try wearing them a lot and find someone else that likes them even a little. Maybe the two of you will start a new fad!

Answer #5

I reckon if you’ve got your own individual style, just go with it- I still haven’t let go of my bootcut and flare jeans, even now that these “skinny jeans” have come in, not to mention I’ve been wearing mary-jane style shoes for years (Long before they were the fashion, along with ballet flats). Then of course, there’s the denim jacket I’ve had since I was 8 that I can still fit into (real vintage denim, not the ‘fake-aged’ stuff you buy off the rack). You don’t really need to make it a fad so that you can wear it- like Danbob says, if it looks good, wear it and be proud.

Answer #6

Wear them with pride and no apologies. Let your attitude speak for itself. Maybe they will catch on and maybe they won’t, but you will have taken a major step in self confidence, and THAT will really help you as you run into people who put you down just because THEY are idiots.

Good Luck in life, gal. Bye-bye for now !!

Answer #7

hmmmf…yea probably huh..that’s kinda what I was thinking…I just think they are absolutly the sexiest things alive..

Answer #8

umm eww. how embarassing.

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