Questions & Answers

  1. Can you name some eBooks for me?
  2. What are chemtrails?
  3. What does "aesthetically" mean?
  4. Is there any difference between adult toothpaste and children's toothpaste?
  5. Do you think that Russian people get mad when they watch Rocky 4?
  6. Who do you think is going to win this season's Top Chef?
  7. Why is Martin Luther King considered so great?
  8. How does this book idea sound to you?
  9. How do you put songs on an mp3?
  10. How many people think that the drinking age in America should be reduced?
  11. When your tongue turns white does that mean you're getting strep?
  12. Does anybody know how to straighten out the pads in your shirt?
  13. Is it true that Biodiesel fuel has quality problems?
  14. what is the biggest disoppointment of your life to date?
  15. What are some energy-boosting foods I can incorporate into my daily food intake?
  16. What are the reasons for the controversy to whether Shakespeare wrote his plays or not?
  17. What steps do I have to take to become a licensed dog trainer?
  18. What are some of Shakespeare's moral poems?
  19. Do you believe in a higher power?
  20. Is the Instyler available in stores?
  21. Does the morning after pill prevent pregnancy, or does it just reduce the chance of getting pregnant?
  22. What episode of Supernatural involved the Hookman and the reverend's daughter?
  23. What is a good techno/DJ 'band'?
  24. Can you make a Mexican flag with the keyboard?
  25. Where is Persia (Persian) located?
  26. How can you take screenshots on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus?
  27. Do you adjust your home heating/cooling thermostat or leave it alone, regardless (read more)?
  28. How long does it take to flatten your stomach if you do core workouts?
  29. Do you think the Dawes Plan was successful?
  30. How can I deal with my hair naturally (no heating tools) if it has uneven waves?
  31. How can I master the perfect fishtail braid when I have layers?
  32. Does anyone know what time and day the TV show "Awkward" on MTV is coming back on?
  33. How do I make the computer screen go back to its original size?
  34. How can I read a conversation on MSN if I accidentally deleted it?
  35. What's the name of the ringtone that makes people confused about who has the phone?
  36. Did the Nazi medical experiments later turn out to be useful?
  37. Which singer is better - Madonna or Lady Gaga?
  38. Why do I constantly feel lethargic and struggle to wake up?
  39. What is Batgirl, Stephanie Brown's, bust, waist, and hip size?
  40. What are some cool facts about HIV?
  41. What is Kara Zor-El's (New Earth) measurements?
  42. When do you think the iPhone 5 will be out?
  43. How bad is it to smoke while taking estrogen pills?
  44. FunAdvice Trivia: Which principle, first stated by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier in 1789, was revised in 1905 by Albert Einstein?
  45. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Mushroom Stuffed Beef Roast
  46. Would you use a digital rug that changes its design?
  47. What's your favorite lip gloss and why?
  48. How many syllables does the word "surreal" have?
  49. How do I delete my old questions?
  50. What is your testimony?
  51. Can mouthwash make hair less oily?
  52. Do you agree that (figuratively) pulling out a knife hurts more than stabbing it?
  53. Is it bad to sleep with your hair wet in foam rollers?
  54. Why do I keep waking up at 4?
  55. Does anybody know a good website to help me at Algebra 1?
  56. What is a good general question on FOOD MILES for a case study?
  57. What are some good scary movies to watch when you are home alone?
  58. What kind of food is a "hot pocket"?
  59. What is polymorphism in Java and how can it be applied while coding?
  60. What's the difference between cocoa and cacao?
  61. Can I wear snow pants all day in college?
  62. What are some songs I should sing for a singing competition?
  63. How bad is it to cut yourself and put ink in it?
  64. How much money would it cost on my electricity bill to run an Xbox?
  65. Why (or why not) will the world end on December 21, 2012?
  66. Are there any diseases that cause you to cough up blood that aren't extremely dangerous?
  67. Is that true that women have a sixth sense?
  68. Does the SOPA act have the power to turn off Google and YouTube?
  69. Is it possible to love your step child as you love your biological child?
  70. Do you think that, if two teens prepare and fully think out the consequences of having a child, it is irresponsible?
  71. Do you put the toilet paper roll to roll "over" or "under"?
  72. Where can I buy a banana split?
  73. Where can I find a similar top like this (photo link)?
  74. Do you think nursing is a good career move considering the economy?
  75. can masturbation with faucet water cause pregnancy?
  76. FunAdvice Trivia: Robert Goddard, America's space pioneer, holder of 214 patents, was born on October 5, 1882. Where?
  77. Do you think restaurants should be allowed to automatically factor in a 20% tip on your bill?
  78. What job can survive any recession?
  79. Does my niece have food poisoning (read more)?
  80. Which type of steel-toed rubber boots are the most durable, warm, and comfortable?
  81. Should I buy Carhartt or Helly Hansen Coveralls?
  82. Is it possible to 'reprogram' a hedgehog's sleeping patterns?
  83. What's Invisalign?
  84. What does "damasked" mean?
  85. What's the name of that movie about the guy who has Tourette syndrome?
  86. What are some good emo/screamo bands with good lyrics?
  87. How does the heart pump and function?
  88. Is this an example of parallelism?
  89. What are some short, beautiful quotes?
  90. Should giving gifts on Valentine's Day be more of a special gift or one of interest?
  91. How do I deal with everyone in my grade talking about me?
  92. How do I succeed in astral projection?
  93. What should I bring to the Bahamas?
  94. What are some websites that I can watch reality show series on?
  95. Does anybody else dress for the season and not the weather?
  96. What are some good watchdogs or dogs that are good to have at home?
  97. What is your biggest fear in life?
  98. How can I avoid staining my forehead when I’m dyeing my hair at home?
  99. Why is the transcription of (Ralph ) / reif/ ?
  100. Is blow-drying with your head flipped upside down really better?