Are there any diseases that cause you to cough up blood that aren't extremely dangerous?

I don’t cough up blood but im wondering are there any diseases or problems which cause you to cough up blood, one that isn’t a life long problem and that isnt fatal. Any known diseases like that? Oh and that dont really have any other like symptoms, just coughing up blood

Answer #1

If you’ve been coughing a lot your throat can get raw and bleed slightly. So you could be coughing up blood from a raw throat.

Answer #2

Thank you.

Answer #3

Simply from a bad cough or a strep throat. Coughing that much strains your throat and can cause blood being coughed up.

Answer #4

Turberculoses - not sure of the spelling

Answer #5

Id appreciate it if you read the question before answering it.

Answer #6

Ummmmm I thought I read the question very well thank you - the desease in which I had mentioned is and was a current cause of expelling blood - and in addition I also beleive the black plague was another desease - I ment no offense

Answer #7

No, im sure you meant non its just that it says “not life long problem! I belive you will find TB is

Answer #8

hmmmmm okkkkkkkk my glasses are - wait where are my glasses lolol thank you for correcting me - I will read the questions more closely in the future - thank you

Answer #9

Yes stefie turbociloses (whatever) is fatal and dangerous and so is the black plague. So im guessing he didnt SEE that part :/ so he didnt read it very well

Answer #10

I guess the only reason would be becuase a bad cough can cause blood to come up. but not that much

Answer #11

yes yes you’re both right I didnt read it closely just be gentle - remember Im old :P

Answer #12

awe its all good man… just dotn do it again :p haha just jokin

Answer #13

sneaks out of the question - quietly :)

Answer #14

Also having some bleeding in the back of your nose/sinuses (due to the flu i.e. it being raw) can result in having it drip down your throat and make you cough up blood.

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