Why is Martin Luther King considered so great?

what did he really accomplish?

Answer #1

It would be a really long answer if I explained it. Really long. He had a great deal of courage and integrity. He had no fear of standing up for what he believed in. The rest of the story, I would suggest you look up and read about.

Answer #2

The fact he did so in such a peacefull manner is also incredible.

Answer #3

To sum it all up in a sentence or less. Martin Luther King (MLK) accomplished more things in just one of his speeches, than what you will ever accomplish in your whole “miserable” life. And what have you accomplished lately? Well I can sum that up in one word. Nothing. . . That about sums you up!

Answer #4

um ya…you should have learned this when you were like in 1st grade dude

Answer #5

he got them a chair nothing more

Answer #6

Apperantly you know nothing about history. I’m not even going to entertain your ignorance.

Answer #7

More furniture, than what you have in your house.

Answer #8

ok lets see what he did. his speeches rallied the people to help end segregation of the colors. so what can the colored people do today they couldn’t do 50 years ago. sit next to me is school == chair. eat in the same restaurants ==== chair. sleep in the same prison cell ===== chair . sit at the front of the bus ====== chair. not be removed from a taxi if a white man needed ride ====== chair. enter and enjoy the same clubs and tavern ====== chair. Do i need to go on cause i could. But basically he got the colored people chairs. You may want to fancy it up with ribbons and gold but facts are facts. the out rage shouldn’t be at anything but it was needed it was an unfair treatment and plain retarded to ever instill political project know as separate but equal. Martin was just a guy who could give great speeches and he didn’t earn the colored people any more than a well deserved chair. just a chair

Answer #9

Its more than a chair. Any normal person can see that. To bad ur ignorencw clouds that up

Answer #10

also stopped the violence that was associated witb racism. They were allowed to enyer public beaches….dont see chairs there…or swimming pools. Hmm. Sounds like u could do a lil more research

Answer #11

Just leave it be everyone. He’s obviously just trying to get a rise out of people and wont change his mind. Pointless to even try.

Answer #12

there it is again the improper use of the word ignorance

Answer #13

there it is again the improper use of the word ignorance

Answer #14
  • ;) *
Answer #15

not wanting to get a rise out of every one just pointing out the facts. the things annies angel listed are not chairs but it’s still just a place they can enter and ever been to the beach a whole lot of people are sitting.and at the pool too. and MLK did nothing for violence against his color have you seen the photo’s of the 60’s talk about police brutality. ok civil right are just that rights nothing more and nothing fancy. you have the right to that seat you have the right to that drink and you have the right to use the same toilet as me. The thing i think best about this is it’s the white people who tell me i’m wrong the most all the colored people i talk to agree MLK was useful but he didn’t do anything that great. now Lincoln he did something great all those soldiers that died killing other Americans in order to stop slavery did something great. MLK got you all a chair.

Answer #16

Let me fill in the blanks for you. Since you are having a hard time dealing with the facts. The term ‘colored’ is something that a kindergarten teacher explains to her students. On the second day of school. For example; John Cone, that’s the third time I told you. Why have you colored outside of the picture again? Just because MLK didn’t mention you in any of his speeches. Doesn’t mean I won’t mention you in mine.worry, I have a speech prepared for and titled The Misbegotten.”

You should take a look in the mirror, cause you don’t know how dumb you look. Letting this “get to you.” I have a dream, that your insecure about your own position on equal rights? Well here’s a news flash for the misbegotten: Life isn’t fair JC, this isn’t a perfect world, it can’t always be the way you want it. That is a direct “pun” towards you. It’s your own fault that you have to “settle” for 2nd best, due to your financial instability & your lack of education. Don’t get upset because you have to settle for being a second class citizen - morally, legally or anyway else. I think you’re really having an inner conflict with the cards you were dealt. Or you wouldn’t sound as dumb as you look. Remember that the rights of any nationality has nothing to do with where you are in your life & it doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person. It just makes you more of a loser. A loser with no life, no goals and no real ambitions. Misbegotten.

Answer #17

You are so incredibly ignorant.

Answer #18

he brought EQUALITY between the races!

Answer #19

Racism? Heard of it? Pick up a book.

Answer #20

so they could sit next to me in school

Answer #21

again mis use of the word ignorant

Answer #22

look here a person just out of high school who think he knows all so glad that the world never be in short supply of all knowing youth.

i’m so amused by your speech in the idea you some how think any of it applies to me or that i ever thought the world would be fair.

and colored is a proper turn polite by standards of the 30’s . they are not black people they are people of color or as my friend refers to him self caramel.

i am no way a racist and the idea you think my view of what was actually accomplished by him is me being rude or insensitive to people make you fairly foolish. i’m simply putting it in none sugar coated terms. you want to wrap it in gold tape surrounded by a sea of flowers that’s your business but people should be realist and know it’s a chair. he didn’t free slaves, change leaders, or stop a war, discover anything, cure anything , he gave 1/3 of Americans new places to sit

my my language is a little rough and even harsh put that’s the point of the words i use simple and to the point

Answer #23

you thinkMLK fixed racism? wow you need to turn on the news or read a few reports or studies on the subject anything posted in the last 50 years should do.

Answer #24

you think MLK fixed racism? wow you need to turn on the news or read a few reports or studies on the subject anything posted in the last 50 years should do.

Answer #25

Look here, grown ass man who should have at least enough common sense to pick his poison. But has the intelligence of a box rocks. Realize you are beneath me. The language that you speak of, is that of an imbecile. I think we are all amused at your lack knowledge and rapid advancement in stupidity. You are as dumb as sound & as dumb as you look.

Answer #26

There would probably still be legal racial segregation in this country, if not for the works of Martin Luther King. There are boulevards and High Schools and Libraries in major cities named after Him. The man helped us along on our course of compassion and understanding as a Nation

Answer #27

when you try ragging on me you might want to check your come backs for missing words might help your argument when calling people idiots if, you your self don’t look low on the intelligence scale. Plus how can you not be impressed by a person capable of extracting such hostility from others in but a single sentence not even one vulgar word needed to be used or insult spouted. i still repeat all he did was gets them chairs. Expand the narrow view in side the brain mental process of the world and realize in it’s most basic form it’s a chair.

Answer #28

Hahaha!!! Are you for real you cretin!!????.. Have you re-read your own posts???.. hahaha!

Then let me say it again. You are as dumb as you sound and as dumb as look!

Answer #29

I know your type well.. bitter and twisted, insanely jealous of other nationalities, realising that you’ll never amount to anything in your own godforsaken life.

Answer #30

Deep down you really wish you were a black man, don’t you?

Answer #31

You seem to know your way around the black community. Isn’t that a sign of how you REALLY UNDERSTAND that world yourself? You must have lost your job to a black man. What kind of stupidity envelopes your small brain that you don’t get the message?

Answer #32

hahahaha to you the word is ,miss used….to about everyone here we all htink it just about sums you up. Ignorant = 1.Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated…. Lets see you definatly lack knownledge, awareness cuz you dont see how stupid you look or how your thoughts on life are so IGNORANT plus that MLK did WAY more that give chairs to people. Uneducated becasue well its obvious you only see things as your way. And Unsophisticated in every part of your personality.

Answer #33

Look John C….One, I don’t have to read reports or studies on the subject of MLK. I lived that time. And you most certainly don’t know what your talking about. Yes Lincoln and the lives sacraficed to free slaves is not without the first stage of correcting what was horribly wrong. But so was the lives lost by both white and black taking it to the next step level of history that MLK brought about. And your demeaning attempts at associating their sacrafices is nothing short of dancing on those peoples graves…. I have no idea what blacks you have spoken with but I can assure you I know of many more who would describe your knowledge of … in less polite terms then Ignorant. You are speaking of a timeline where blacks were free, but the mentality of whites ranged from not understanding black culture (which what we don’t understand ….breeds fear , ignorance, and distrust of) And that REALITY was the climate of the majority view of whites in the US north and south) . Of these….. IN THOSE TIMES, there were those who honestly with their whole heart believed their dogs and cattle should be treated with more respect then a black. Hence the popularity of KKK in it’s hay day filtered into our own governments and agency’s in their corruption of equal rights. Not at all limited from the way black in the military were treated ether. I have a friend who’s dad was a Tuskegee Airmen, retired. And I’m not going to post the pages of details his life under the military. Nor what her response would be to your post. MLK earned his respect history in being a black man who rose up in peace to USA whites, giving whites an understanding of blacks in a human way…and that ALL races are people with the same desires, and goals in life, despite their cultural differences. Very few blacks back then (especially down south) had little to no education and even less opportunity for themselves and children no matter how hard they worked. Often in hard dirty jobs and with low pay. Yes they had their freedom from slavery via Lincoln but lived in fear of reaching out for anything better without white reprisal. Secondly, he taught Americans everywhere that numbers do matter regardless or race, color, or creed if we ban together for a common cause…THINGS CAN AND DO CHANGE!!! The little people DO HAVE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS TO MOVE THE COMMON MOUNTAINS IN THEIR LIVES IN PEACFUL ASSEMBLY PROTEST, AND COMMUNICATIONS. He proved to everyone, Might in the end does not make right, staying the course does. Is it a perfect world ? No Is there some injustice still going on due to the color of skin? Yes Are other injustices going on non color related? Yes But MLK and his movement dramatically lessoned what WAS and proved to a nation and world…IT CAN BE DONE!!!

Answer #34

John, I would very much like to hear what you think of Marisha’s reply, especially the part from “MLK earned his respect” until the end.

I just want to add one thing to it, to remind you that the places to which African Americans gained access as a result of the Civil RIghts Movement (far from just MLK) included not only public accommodations and educational institutions at all levels, but also the courts, the voting booth, and their name on a ballot as candidate for public office.

A seat at the table is more than just a chair. It is, as Marisha suggested, affirmation of one’s membership in the human family. The site of the biggest change wrought by MLK was inside the hearts and minds of both white and black people.

Answer #35

working in higher more educated jobs to leave the fields and manual labor for a nice chair in side

voting both being able to choose who they want to sit in at chair of office being elected by the people the right to sit is the chair of congress or senate. still chairs

gold ribbon is what you all are trying to use i’m being simple it’s about chairs. you can think i’m wrong but at the bottom level it was about right to sit

Answer #36

working in higher more educated jobs to leave the fields and manual labor for a nice chair in side

voting both being able to choose who they want to sit in at chair of office being elected by the people the right to sit is the chair of congress or senate. still chairs

gold ribbon is what you all are trying to use i’m being simple it’s about chairs. you can think i’m wrong but at the bottom level it was about right to sit

Answer #37

working in higher more educated jobs to leave the fields and manual labor for a nice chair in side

voting both being able to choose who they want to sit in at chair of office being elected by the people the right to sit is the chair of congress or senate. still chairs

gold ribbon is what you all are trying to use i’m being simple it’s about chairs. you can think i’m wrong but at the bottom level it was about right to sit

Answer #38

I didnt read all these posts but i can tell you as a black man i agree with OP. MLK really just got me a seat equal to the white man. It wasnt until affirmative action did we get empowered to easily surpass the whiteys. LOL how else could i get a full ride scholarship with a 1050 SAT score.

Answer #39

Hmmm, this topic is way too interesting to walk pass. John C, you do realise this is now 2012? No-one and I mean no-one should be using the terminology “colored people” when describing African Americans or Aborgines. :-O Other than that, I find your comments very intriguing and shifts the mind set a tad and I’m glad we have someone like you on FA.

Answer #40

I will never call American’s,African Americans they are not from Africa they were born here. As for colored phrase i use that due to my grandfather who was born in the 1920’s. It’s his term considered for several decades to be non insulting. As they are people with color and white people in all truth of the term white lack it. It is in no way meant to be demeaning or racist. I don’t use the term black as they are not really black. I have friends who honestly refer to them selves as caramel. I will apologize to those offend by my refusal to accept and use any PC bllsht.

Answer #41

I will never call American’s,African Americans they are not from Africa they were born here. As for colored phrase i use that due to my grandfather who was born in the 1920’s. It’s his term considered for several decades to be non insulting. As they are people with color and white people in all truth of the term white lack it. It is in no way meant to be demeaning or racist. I don’t use the term black as they are not really black. I have friends who honestly refer to them selves as caramel. I will apologize to those offend by my refusal to accept and use any PC bllsht.

Answer #42

misuse of the word misuse. when you have nothing better to say, you just get on people’s grammar and vocab. nice.

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