What are some good watchdogs or dogs that are good to have at home?

That are suitable for kids?

Answer #1

Border Collies and labs :)

Answer #2

Pit bulls. :)

Answer #3


Answer #4

Pitbulls , Labs & Golden Retrievers (:

Answer #5

Pitbull are no good dogs

Answer #6

To an extent I agree, I think a single person or a couple without children and a good dog owner r the only place for a pit

Answer #7

yea i gotta agree with that. Everybody says itsthe way you raise them. But i i have known a few well raised pitts who have bitten a small baby. Its in their nature. They attack almost everything small. I had a very well behaved pitt named Libby. well raised. never taught to bite. But one day was out walking her and she just snatched up a duck. outta no where. it was gross lol. they think that small things are food

Answer #8

Not true at all. I know so many people with pits & babies. The dog guards the baby with it’s life. Their babysitting dogs.

Answer #9

I wud never have a dog or a cat if I had a baby

Answer #10

They maybe sometimes. But sometimes they have been known to just snap. I know a few who had to put down their pitt becuz it bit their baby. And they were raised very well. 88 fatal dog attacks recorded by DogsBite.org, pit bull type dogs were responsible for 59%. expecially if they get loose… they dont know the person they are dealing with. They are great with couples that have no children. But they are kinda rough when it comes to kids

Answer #11

German Shepherds they’re great with people and big dogs with a strong presence. I don’t know how good of a watch dog they are but they can easily be trained.

Answer #12

There is to much controversy about them. I woldnt risk it. I would say a lab or border collie. Chows are bad too. any small dogs are bad. becuz they are nippy and nervous around children. German Shepards are good dogs too like sleep said.

Answer #13

No way pitbull are no good dogs, and i prolly go with a lab or a beagle

Answer #14

labs are good. I have one. they are just so hyper for about a year or two. takes a while for them to mature. they chew on everything too. but are really good with kids and protecting your hoe. If you can put up with them till they calm down

Answer #15

I have two outdoor labs (a black and a chocolate) they are great watchdogs. They always bark when someone comes around, but don’t bite and I’m sure they never would. They are great with kids or anyone for that matter. They bark until you get out of your car, then they just start waggin and wanting a pet. (the good thing is that strangers don’t know this) I would’nt have a dog that would bite. I believe every breed of dog was bread for a purpose, so I have no use for pit bulls and the like. No matter how friendly they seem, you never know when they are gonna turn on ya.

Answer #16

A lady in town had a pit bull for years as house dog. She let the dog out every morning into a fenced back yard, and let it back in. One morning, for no reason, the dog turned on her. She ended up losing both arms (they had to be amputated) and the dog mangled her so badly she almost bleed to death before her neighbor found her. Emergency personell could’nt even get inside the fence because of the dog. When the cops arrived, they shot it (several times) I believe it’s in that breed of dog’s bloodline.

Answer #17

Boxer, Pitt, Lab, German Shepard.

Answer #18


Answer #19

I have to go with German shepherd

Answer #20

Well actully pit’s can be good, You have to train them well though, as with any other dogs. But theres Belguim Maliwas, Great Parenese, Bull dogs, Golden Retriver, German Sheperds and some large mutts. Honestly though i’d go and have an ex police dog or military dog (can be adopted on a base or go to a police station to ask) Because there already trained to protect and usally can be safe around children. I know. I have one:)

Answer #21

watch dog thats good with kids simple saint bernard it’s huge and friendly but looks scray to strangers and if need be it could eat a person. if you get a full blood from good stock your could easy get a 230lbs dog. if you want something smaller husky

Answer #22

i would a german shepherd or husky. but it also depends on how u raise the dog if u train the dog to b mean then theyll b mean if u train a dog to guard then it will guard. if u train a dog to b nice and u baby the dog it might nb afraid of everything

Answer #23

Labs make great companions and watchdogs. They are very gentle and loving, yet also protective. German Shepards are the same way :)

Answer #24

Labs make great companions and watchdogs. They are very gentle and loving, yet also protective. German Shepards are the same way :)

Answer #25

Labs make great companions and watchdogs. They are very gentle and loving, yet also protective. German Shepards are the same way :)

Answer #26

Actually Pit Bulls are good dogs! it’s just that when people purchase pit bull puppies they tend to fail in properly training and socializing their dog. New pitty owners tend to buy a pit pup on impulse because they are cute or because their friend has one. Millions of people fail to do proper reseacher when it comes to buying a pit bull dog. The pit bull dog is a tenacious breed and it does have a strong domiant streak that many people fail to understand. Pit Bulls are Highly intelligent dogs and they are very active and need alot of exercise. Most people get pitties for their kids and within weeks the kids get bored with the dog or get tired of playing with it because it is a hyper breed. a pit bull can out play the hyperst kid any day. The behavior problems come into play when owners get bored and decide to tie the dog up in the back yard and leave it to its own devices. or they stop walking the dog and stop playing or even interacting with the dog. Dont buy a dog on a whim but don’t be one of those people who judge every pit bull because they’ve ssen a lot of bad ones. therre are always more good ones around. every pitty is not the same and has a personality all its own. Judge the deed not the breed. Its the owner that is responsible for molding and training the dog the proper way. a pit bull can ‘t train itself to be good,.

Answer #27

Actually Pit Bulls are good dogs! it’s just that when people purchase pit bull puppies they tend to fail in properly training and socializing their dog. New pitty owners tend to buy a pit pup on impulse because they are cute or because their friend has one. Millions of people fail to do proper reseacher when it comes to buying a pit bull dog. The pit bull dog is a tenacious breed and it does have a strong domiant streak that many people fail to understand. Pit Bulls are Highly intelligent dogs and they are very active and need alot of exercise. Most people get pitties for their kids and within weeks the kids get bored with the dog or get tired of playing with it because it is a hyper breed. a pit bull can out play the hyperst kid any day. The behavior problems come into play when owners get bored and decide to tie the dog up in the back yard and leave it to its own devices. or they stop walking the dog and stop playing or even interacting with the dog. Dont buy a dog on a whim but don’t be one of those people who judge every pit bull because they’ve ssen a lot of bad ones. therre are always more good ones around. every pitty is not the same and has a personality all its own. Judge the deed not the breed. Its the owner that is responsible for molding and training the dog the proper way. a pit bull can ‘t train itself to be good,.

Answer #28

Actually Pit Bulls are good dogs! it’s just that when people purchase pit bull puppies they tend to fail in properly training and socializing their dog. New pitty owners tend to buy a pit pup on impulse because they are cute or because their friend has one. Millions of people fail to do proper reseacher when it comes to buying a pit bull dog. The pit bull dog is a tenacious breed and it does have a strong domiant streak that many people fail to understand. Pit Bulls are Highly intelligent dogs and they are very active and need alot of exercise. Most people get pitties for their kids and within weeks the kids get bored with the dog or get tired of playing with it because it is a hyper breed. a pit bull can out play the hyperst kid any day. The behavior problems come into play when owners get bored and decide to tie the dog up in the back yard and leave it to its own devices. or they stop walking the dog and stop playing or even interacting with the dog. Dont buy a dog on a whim but don’t be one of those people who judge every pit bull because they’ve ssen a lot of bad ones. therre are always more good ones around. every pitty is not the same and has a personality all its own. Judge the deed not the breed. Its the owner that is responsible for molding and training the dog the proper way. a pit bull can ‘t train itself to be good,.

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