Questions & Answers

  1. whats a good song to strum and/or fingerpick on guitar?
  2. Can jumping rope be a good substitute for running?
  3. How can I stop sneezing?
  4. Is there any country where roaming on the street nude is legal?
  5. What to wear on my birthday to a dinner theatre?
  6. Where do I find the fire spell in Ocarina Of Time?
  7. When is the best time to work out?
  8. How long will a box hair dye last overtop of bleached hair?
  9. Is This Java Update Safe To Install?
  10. Do you think that once children have reached a certain age they should stop eating white bread and choose a more grown up bread?
  11. How hard is it to get into a habit of writing every day - you know, like in a journal or diary?
  12. Can you camp on a school field?
  13. Does drinking water so you will eat less actually work?
  14. How do I fix my Flip Camera(read more)?
  15. What are ways to keep my belly from hurting after eating 4 pieces of pizza?
  16. What is your opinion of people that have pink highlights/sections in their hair?
  17. What is the best basketball workout to gain speed?
  18. How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoons?
  19. How do I tell a boy that I have liked him since freshman year?
  20. How many strands of hair do we women lose a day?
  21. What female clothing brands has plus sizes?
  22. Can you go a full 24 hours without ANY form of music?
  23. How does waxing work?
  24. What do natural environmental recources biologists do?
  25. What is a song me and my sister can dance to?
  26. Is it normal that when you first start guitar.. ?
  27. What age should a boy stop seeing his older sister in the bath?
  28. How do you deal with a parent who doesn't have the mental capacity of a 15 year old?
  29. Can a new type of birth control be the reason why my hair is so oily?
  30. What's the name of the plain white headphones I keep seeing in music videos?
  31. What was the funniest prank you ever played on someone?
  32. Which do you think is more commonly accepted in society - body/face piercings or tattoos?
  33. Do I get charged if I'm playing games on my cell phone?
  34. Does anyone know a website where I could find really fluffy blue slippers for girls?
  35. Is it legal to voice record your counseling sessions?
  36. Is it true that coffee can actually affect your growth?
  37. Is it just me or is stain glass just so ugly?
  38. Why do a lot of hair products have alcohol in them?
  39. How can I help my 8 year-old daughter go to sleep after having a nightmare?
  40. How do I re-download Photo Booth for Mac?
  41. What is a book analysis?
  42. What was the significance of the Articles of Confederation?
  43. What are some good phone companies that are cheap and have unlimited everything?
  44. Could I be pregnant if he wiped off then stuck it back?
  45. What do you say to your manager when you quit?
  46. How do i get people to stop calling me anorexic?
  47. How to hack Nokia E5?
  48. Does anyone know what cann!bal food (humans) looks like?
  49. Is it safe to breathe in exhaust fumes from an electric dryer?
  50. Can I lose my virginity and get pregnant on the same day?
  51. Are granola bars and crackers unhealthy?
  52. What's your opinion about New Orleans, Louisiana?
  53. How do I get my mom to leave me alone about the way eat?
  54. Do you think that the Visitors T.V. show is based on something real or is trying to tell us something?
  55. What's a good modelling company?
  56. Can you lose height at the age of 17?
  57. What's something random off the top of your head at this very moment?
  58. What poetic devices/literary terms are used in the poem The Sharks by Denise Levertov?
  59. What is a really good video editing software?
  60. Funadvice Triva: What was Levi Strauss' real name?
  61. What's your favorite kind of tea?
  62. Where can you work if you majored in business and communications?
  63. Why do they say republicans are pedophiles?
  64. Who here is a college student and what are you majoring in?
  65. What Guys Think? Yep, a question for the guys on Funadvice!
  66. How to decide if I should go on the field trip?
  67. How can I get the pictures/videos to download from my iPod touch to my computer?
  68. What's wrong with wearing two bras?
  69. What do you like more - the fish filet from McDonald's or the shrimp combo from Popeye's?
  70. Can eating little during lunch cause vertigo later on?
  71. What is the role of the governor and the senates?
  72. Which is more accurate - a digital or dial scale?
  73. How can you get free ringtones for a Boost mobile walkie-talkie phone?
  74. Is it true that, no matter what you do to prevent stretch marks, you will still get them if it's genetic?
  75. What do they do to those who are enrolled in the WIC program?
  76. How do you feel about Rush Limbaugh's comment about birth control?
  77. What's the difference between a housegirl and a housemaid?
  78. FunAdvice Trivia: Where is the lowest elevation in the world?
  79. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Giada's 5-Star Lasagna Rolls
  80. Which juices are really healthy to drink?
  81. Can someone tell me what poutine is?
  82. Where does Bluenotes get their products and materials?
  83. How you work the iPhone 4S Bluetooth?
  84. How long does yogurt usually stay good for out of the fridge?
  85. What does "passive-aggressive" mean?
  86. Why are teenagers represented negatively in the media?
  87. Why do some women choose not to get a epidural when it could ease the pain?
  88. What do you think of this statement: Parents who are involved in online gaming give inadequate care to their children?
  89. Do you think women should just stay home and raised their children or work a real paying job like the men do?
  90. Why does the "View More Questions" link take you to questions from 5 years ago instead of questions from, say, yesterday?
  91. How to go from straight C's to straight A's in a 2 month period?
  92. Is there medication for Anorexia?
  93. Do you remember the old days of gaming when you were playing Pokemon on your Game Boy?
  94. Does every state have standardized state tests?
  95. How does taking laxatives make you bulimic?
  96. What can I do, if anything, to improve my equilibrium?
  97. How do you say goodbye to someone?
  98. What are your thoughts on Apple products?
  99. Would you attempt to do any challenges like the cinnamon challenge?
  100. Quiz: Which Funadvice member's mother has a Canon 600d camera and her names ends in a "A"?