What does "passive-aggressive" mean?

Answer #1

Passive Agressive means being nasty but with traits of kindness, it’s thought to have originated during the second world war where soldiers shirked their duties but not in ways where they were openly disobeying orders, another way of looking at it is a puppy licking your face while pissing on your feet

Answer #2

To me passivise means letting something in. Like if someone say u have a passive personality it mean u really don’t like to argue or make a big deal out things. Aggressive means u don’t take crap from no one. I don’t if that make since.

Answer #3

Ahaha great example.

Answer #4

Passive aggressive is attempting to get your way by means of passive appearing behavior that you can not be blamed for. Wife wants husband to do laundry while she is at work. He relaxes and tips over a few beers watching the game. She asks him why he didn’t wash clothes. He replies that he knew she likes to separate light and dark but most of the clothes are in-between so he didn’t know what to do. She asks if he at least fluffed and put away the laundry she already did and he replies that he can never figure out which clothes she likes hung and which ones folded. She asks if he at least did a load of towels and he replies that it didn’t look like there was a full load of towels and he didn’t want to waste water. Next time she asks him to do laundry while she is at work he intentionally washes her white blouses with clothes he knows aren’t colorfast and machine washes her favorite hand wash sweater claiming ignorance so she will never trust him to do clothes again.

Answer #5

Ha Ha seems to have summed it up well.

Answer #6

Kinda Vaenssa but what passive.aggresive means is that the person who really doesn’t take crap from no one., disguises it by ulitizing a passive approach. …Basically the perpetual victiim role that victimizes everybody else.

Answer #7

Thanks for the answer, it was helpful. Apparently Im passive aggresive.

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