Questions & Answers

  1. Is a bassinet for a newborn baby worth the money?
  2. who beleives in those subliminal messages?
  3. what kind of shampoo can i use to make my hair really soft?
  4. Was Lady Gaga's sermon at a recent Vancouver concert hypocritical?
  5. what kind of digital camera do you have?
  6. Can you get movies that aren't out yet on Itunes?
  7. Whats in fashion at the moment?
  8. Does hairspray damage your hair?
  9. is it normal to have hair on top of your foot?
  10. how do you get noticed by girls at a football game?
  11. is world industires a good skater company?
  12. Who still drinks the water from the tap?
  13. how can i find someones income?
  14. Do you think the whole half and half color for hair, like dark underneath and light on top, looks trashy?
  15. would you pierce your dogs' ear?
  16. Who thinks this is a good start to a story?
  17. why I can't setup my iPod touch??
  18. Does anyone know if bourjois blushes break you out?
  19. What did Chanakya (230 B.C.) mean when he said this?
  20. What do you think about the new CDJ 900 Pioneers ??
  21. Why does it take so long to put movies onto discs?
  22. Which national leaders have delivered the most benefit to their own people, or to humanity in general?
  23. Where can I find a battery door for a Mytouch 3G Slide????
  24. What type of poker is played in the World Series of poker main event?
  25. What r sum good love quotes dat wud actually make a guy think ?
  26. How can I cook fries in the oven but have them be crisp?
  27. How can I change my google from french back to english?
  28. This is something i wrote a LONG time ago, i just added another section( i do over time) honestly,what do yu think?
  29. how do i change my user name on
  30. who invented *LOL*?
  31. How long would it take to become a C-Level buisness person?
  32. What different corporate jobs are there?
  33. How do honors degrees work in the US?
  34. how can i put youtube videos onto my ipod?
  35. What can I expect after taking pin worm meds(read)?
  36. whats the best horse breed to get for enjoyment riding?
  37. how should i tell my mom i want a lip injection?
  38. Why is this happening?
  39. Would it be bad if I dyed my hair when I had a little of Mousse in it?
  40. Do you find it wrong when i told my psychiatrist my anti-anxiety medication wasn't working he just told me to "keep taking more untill I feel effect"?
  41. why they dont build the mosque in another part of the city?
  42. Which is easier piano,or electric guitar and which is more fun for a small teen?
  43. How do I deal with my boyfriend(three years together) being out of high school and me only being a junior?
  44. why do people glare at people they don't even know just because they "look different"?
  45. What are some stress-relief things I can do that can help me deal with hating someone that I have no choice but to be around?
  46. How long would jelly take to settle?
  47. How do you install an operating system on a notebook?
  48. How do you put milk in tea?
  49. Who has heard the story of the boy who was brought up as a girl?
  50. Does Tom Hardy have any connection to that clothing make called 'Ed Hardy'?
  51. How do you deal with someone who's absolutely impossible to deal with?
  52. does advil or tylanole help for crampss???
  53. How do you blend mens hair?
  54. Who thinks teens actually pay attention when you're giving advice?
  55. is it safe to get my black hair stripped and dyed a dark red colour professionally?
  56. Is there a way to get Adderol without a prescription?
  57. Who researches restaurants before they go out to eat?
  58. Do the homeopathic HcG drop diet work?
  59. What should i play violin,electric guitar,or piano and which is easier?
  60. How do you think dinosaur bones ended up in an Edmonton, Alberta sewer?
  61. how big was the biggest shark ever caught?
  62. where can i get a cheap LTD guitar?
  63. How can i run without thinking about it?
  64. Who thinks Tiger Woods and his wife could have worked out the issues in their marriage?
  65. Is it normal to get a couple of gray hairs every now and then at 17 years old?
  66. why do people think I am hot when actually I think I am ugly?
  67. Who watched the birds of prey series (batman one)?
  68. What are some good ways to go into labor ?
  69. Where can I buy borax in Canada?
  70. What can I use bottle caps for?
  71. how do i know for a fact my cat is pregnant?
  72. What is a good perm for long straight hair?
  73. What free website can i try to find out the history of my property?
  74. What topping should I make for my cheese cake?
  75. what causes peoples eyes to change colors?
  76. How to get my horse to trot on the ground at a show?
  77. What is a federal job lead?
  78. Why does my sims3 keep cutting off at a random time its really annoying ??
  79. When you first get a job, do you get paid for your first week?
  80. When someone or something dies, what happens to their pupils?
  81. What about Jeffree?
  82. how long does your period usually last and what is the longest amount of time?
  83. Where can i go online to copy and paste and symbol?
  84. Who thinks that the aging Baby Boomers is going to affect health care?
  85. In you opinion, what do you think of those who are starving themselves to loose weight?
  86. what if you can't pay for your text books and school stuff?
  87. Why is it that when you make a how to, people comment on it answering the title?
  88. Who thinks restaurants should start putting calorie contents on their foods/drinks?
  89. How can i get over my ex boyfriend ????
  90. What religion am I, can someone help me out by telling me what religion fits my beliefs?
  91. What is community college like on the first day - week?
  92. what is the most ideal equipment for large stone crushing factory and mining industry?
  93. How can I my family to accept me?
  94. How many women exprierenced like pinkish spotting right before they found out they were pregnant?
  95. Does water on your ear cause preassure?
  96. Can animals get STD's?
  97. Who here can tell me, why im 16 week and 3 days pregnant with my first child and i havent really gained weight?
  98. What birth control pill is best for clearing acne?
  99. What's some good information to know about getting your septum pierced?
  100. how can i avoid my worst enemy?