Questions & Answers

  1. What kind of professional people should i talk to about teen pregnancy?
  2. Is it a bad thing to not have a religion, but still beilive in god?
  3. where can i find a list of uncaught serial killers?
  4. how many miles can a vulture see its prey from above ?
  5. What's better piano or Guitar for u ?
  6. Does FunAdvice still have those awesome t-shirts?
  7. why does my period come every two weeks ?
  8. Is my pokemon fire red team strong enough or do need to train a little more?
  9. What are the Pros and Cons of corset piercings?
  10. What do you think of security cameras in public high schools?
  11. What can you expect if you seek an asian massage?
  12. Who has seen Marmaduke?
  13. Is full stop a British Term?
  14. Can anyone help me remember the names of two books?
  15. why is my vagina loose?
  16. how can we get funding for transport to school?
  17. Is it possible to get an STI from being in a hottub with someone who has one?
  18. Is it true that getting a nipple piercing results in the inability to breast feed?
  19. What happens to be your weakness when you are in the mood to treat yourself to something?
  20. Should the teacher that asked her pupils to plan a ter.rorist attack that would k!ll as many innocent people as possible be fired?
  21. Is it normal for my stomach to still feel sensative/nauseated from drinking sunday evening and not going to bed till 7 in the morning?
  22. is a bunnie rabit a good pet?
  23. how can i give some one points?
  24. does coloured red hair become lighter with every wash? cuz mine dosnt look as red as i want it too
  25. How to copy contacts from my samsung galaxy to my new sim?
  26. Why do some people give up so easily?
  27. What should I name twins in my story?
  28. Who has used 'defraggler' and has it given you viruses?
  29. How to put bandana in down long hair please??
  30. What can i do?
  31. Can you freeze watermelon?
  32. Why is it that right when someone talks to you u can feel body heat?
  33. How should I do this?
  34. How can I stop being depressed without taking the pills?
  35. What does airplane mode mean on ur cell phone?
  36. What do you call a phone with a keyboard?
  37. What's business marketing?
  38. How do I get rid of this bump like zit inside of my nose?
  39. Why is my computer taking so long to load?
  40. Why on earth is my eye twitching uncontrollably?
  41. What exactly is the cambrian explosion and how is it related to evolution?
  42. What ingredients and spices do i need to make hot wings?
  43. Will Lindsay Lohan's early release from rehab help or hinder the fallen star?
  44. whats the best way to get like bruises to go away?
  45. What in the world is this? lol
  46. How much should i ask for on craigslist for this bundle of toddler clothes?
  47. What shpuld i do?
  48. What are some cool invitation ideas?
  49. Is it right for the courts to block most federal funding for stem cell research?
  50. Which is better in your opinion: Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 and why?
  51. Why does the girl keep trying to kill the guy in the Maroon 5-Misery Video?
  52. Why does my fanny smell really bad?
  53. Can I put highlights in my hair, will it work...?
  54. how to use internet download manager???
  55. how much snot can a person produce at one time?
  56. How to get the yoyo back to my hand?
  57. What happens if you walk out a store and they didn't take off the security tag?
  58. Who knows if its forbidden for a Muslim girl to date or have sex with another religion before marriage?
  59. What do you do when a poker player is late to a tournament?
  60. What is a good way to tell people your sorry for hurting them?
  61. Why do I do if my bf got another girl pregnant?
  62. Does the Blackberry Storm2 require data?
  63. Why can't i watch videos on youtube?
  64. Can I get in trouble for power washing my fence if it sprays my neighboring landowners apartments?
  65. Can you use the tresemme 24 hour body spray gel on dry hair?
  66. Should I send this guy a pic or not?
  67. Would handling money be better for the blind if it had brail (spell error) on it?
  68. Who knows if you have to go to college to become a pastry artist/chef?
  69. What are your religious veiws?
  70. Can I put a chocolate colored brown dye or a caramel color dye over my faded red dye?
  71. How can I clean my flat screen tv?
  72. How do you get candle-wax out of a t-shirt?
  73. How to make a ghost to leave without letting your parents know.?
  74. What can I do about my family situation?
  75. What is the quietest SUV?
  76. Does anyone else have experience with seeing things happen in their dreams that really happen?
  77. how can i run without feeling like im gunna die outof breath!?
  78. Can this laptop run warhammer: online (age of reckoning) ?
  79. where can i get a good old fashioned mercury thermometer?
  80. Why when I download the song "Lovegame" by Lady Gaga, the song stops about a minute or so into the song?
  81. Why do guys always get up into each others faces when they're about to fight?
  82. what aresome sexual games to play with guys>>?
  83. why not any channel news make a research about where the mta spend the money?
  84. Where can you go to have a custom wedding dress made?
  85. how do i get my hair to stay straight thru out the day?
  86. how many songs and pictures can you save in a pendrive?
  87. Do females have sperm?
  88. What helps to get rid of a facial rash?
  89. Can humans do things consistently without being rewarded?
  90. how do you define your own self perception?
  91. what kind of cream or soup do i use to scrap the hard soles skin on my feet?
  92. Why is my tummy so saw?
  93. What can cause large blisters to appear on both elbows randomly?
  94. What's the FA sitemap used for?
  95. Can I bleach my roots with a 10v. or would it kind of be useless?
  96. How is meningitis contracted (by dogs)?
  97. Who thinks "sexting" is wrong, and should be illegal?
  98. What are your thoughts on the concept of having a soul?
  99. HOw can i create/ choregraph a dance if i cant dance?
  100. when is the next Crue Fest?