Should the teacher that asked her pupils to plan a ter.rorist attack that would k!ll as many innocent people as possible be fired?

In Australia a teacher asked students to plan out a complete ter.rorist attack, one that would k!ll as many innocent people as possible. The assignment was canceled when student refused but word got out. The teacher still has her job, the principle claims it was an innocent mistake made me an inexperienced teacher.

Answer #1

Well perhaps a psych eval would be the first step?

Answer #2

If those are the kinds of things teachers are encouraging our children to do, then I fear for the future. This is one of those zero-tolerance situations in my opinion.

Answer #3

i think she should be fired for even allowing herself to mention a ter*orist att@ck plan it to a classroom full of kids…not to mention the fact that she even mentioned k!lling innocent people to a bunch of kids!

What the hell is wrong with people now a days?

I would get all the parents in the classroom to sue the principal for even hiring a person that can think up a situation while placing these kinds of thoughts into the kids minds!


Answer #4


Answer #5

she should get shot.

Answer #6

How does that get classified as an “innocent mistake”?? She knew what she was asking of them. o_O It’s not like she gave too much homework - she tried to make them plan out how to hurt a bunch of innocent people. Geesh. o_O

Definitely should have been fired.

Answer #7

Yes she should be shes promoting t*rrorism to the class. Shes not doing her job. Her job is to teach kids not promote killing.

Answer #8

I know I’m going to get spammed with hate comments, and yes I think it was not right for her to assign that assignment, but, maybe her intention was to make you think deeper. A lot of thought goes into that question, and it makes you think. Maybe she thought the class was mature enough to handle the question with-out it causing a huge problem. But I think it depends on the class, the age of the students, and the motives behind the assignment. Keep in mind that I do not agree with her plan, I’m just kind-of playing devils advocate here.

Answer #9

I’m thinking she is unstable and possibly clincally insane, so yep, she should be fored and then be admissioned to a behavorial facility till she forgets about any violent plan.

Answer #10

never mind i dont want to be a teacher..what is wrong with teachers now a days..i just heard on the news a teacher made her student strip for her O.o

Answer #11

insane…teachers for ya now a days…unbelievable!

Answer #12

What is that suppose to teach you? I think you should tell your parents and principal.

Answer #13

I think you guys are overreacting. Not only because it’s extremely doubtful she was advocating terriblism at all, let alone suggesting anyone put any terriblism into action, but more so just your overall flippant reaction to the rather obscure (and often subjective) concept of terriblism.

Answer #14

She should have been fired and then a psych evaluation as you said ty. I mean if she is a bit mad upstairs so that she spouts nonsense like this, she shouldn’t be near teenagers, who can easily be influenced by negative things.

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