why is my vagina loose?

im 16 and ive used a vibrator, but im a virgin. my vagina is kind of loose towards the opening and im afraid to do anything cause id be embarrassed. my interior muscles are really tight but i dont know if guys will find this attractive..

Answer #1

The inner lips of your vagina are supposed to hang slightly below the opening, some womens are longer than other, its all normal. Your v@gina is not loose and it made to stretch and become bigger during sex and when having a child, your prfectly normal.

Answer #2

Just curious if you are referring to the inside, or the outside of it. If there’s a nice set of lips on the outside, in which it can grab ahold of a guy’s member, then that’s wonderful!!!!! That gives a guy an extra 1/2” to 1” or so of extra gripping of their member during sex.

If the inside is “loose”, it might just be that there’s air in there. Go ahead and queef - let it out! To me, that tells me that I’ve done a great job on foreplay, whenever the gal has a good queef…plus, that helps tighten things up for the upcoming “ride” :-)

Answer #3

pussy is pussy sweetheart. the guy just needs to accept you for you, plus if you walk alot i herd it makes your vajj tighter if your that uncomfordible with it. hope this helps (:

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