Questions & Answers

  1. how can i fix my phone if I pressed "format"?
  2. Who has tried giving their dog Viagra for its heart and to maintain a healthy life yet?
  3. Who knows if older dogs need the parvo shot?
  4. is there a video chat website besides skype?
  5. Who governs the pesticides being sprayed on food?
  6. how do i make a wired rc car into a wireless rc car?
  7. How did God get the Ark of the Covenant back?
  8. Do you think this is just coincidence or something more supernatural?
  9. where do i find my post?
  10. is it safe to give an aquatic turtle only sand during the winter to keep him from getting too cold?
  11. how do i use my web cam?
  12. Why do dogs & cats need to get so many shots ?
  13. Why do people keep hating when teenagerss get pregnet?
  14. what would be a good outfit too dance merengue?
  15. Why do diabetics have to get medical forms filled out by their doctors and send them in to the D.M.V. to get their drivers license renewed?
  16. Do anyone know of any colleges in Canada that have psychology as a major?
  17. Can you go to jail for egging and tipeeing someones house, if so for hw long?
  18. Would you ever use a Diva Cup (for the girls)?
  19. how can you get lint off a sweater with a razor?
  20. Why do they not have lanes on the roads for scooters and mopeds?
  21. Why do they not have more stores that sell items that are just made in the US?
  22. Why can't they put a limit on the salaries of government officials?
  23. Why are companies not manufacturing alternative energy products in the US?
  24. What are some interesting themes you think i could do for my communication studies school based assessment?
  25. Is there a way of getting rid of scratches on the iPhone screen?
  26. Why does Mcdonalds not have a hot dog in wrap?
  27. How do you keep a conversation going if you continue to get short answers?
  28. Does anyone know the BA EDUCATION STUDIES Degree in university?
  29. what idea or expectations do you have for your gender roles?
  30. How can I pursue my dream of being a teen actor?
  31. should i leave school and go for an apprenticeship in furniture making?
  32. What do I have to take in community college if I want to be a secretary?
  33. What's another way of saying 'playing God'?
  34. what bands, comedians etc have you seen live?
  35. Why do I always get random knee pain?
  36. What writers from Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania earned both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer for Literature?
  37. What ever happen to Amelia Earhart d?
  38. How long will it take for a Gold-plate swarovski bracelet to go funny?
  39. What can you do if you're moving and you're dog's buried in your yard?
  40. what do you think of parents who expect their children to only date/marry their own race?
  41. What action does funadvice take when you flag something?
  42. Can you put music on a jail broken ipod?
  43. Why doesn't alcohol freeze ?
  44. how do i change the font on my IM's for windowslive?
  45. Is there any way i could download app on my ipod without wifi???
  46. Who feels that being mature at a young age might be a problem?
  47. What's an easy way to get happy fast?
  48. does anybody here not like the current female 'fashion' of foul florals and flats and stuff like that?
  49. Why do people get offended when you talk about religion?
  50. how do i get my 'How To' off my pending list?
  51. Who believes that swipeauction is a scam?
  52. What is the worst case scenario with having an extreme metal sensativity and metal bands on braces?
  53. why should politicians shut up about snow?
  54. What the logo stand for ?
  55. What is a good MP4 converter?
  56. How can i go about getting a job as an online flight reservation or flight booking job?
  57. What do you think of home births?
  58. Should I wait until I get out of college to find my first job?
  59. What do you think about the new law to limit commercial volume during television broadcasts?
  60. Is it possible and safe to upgrade an XP laptop to Windows 7?
  61. is there gonna be a Resident Evil 5?
  62. what are some fat camps near san bernadino?
  63. How does the belly casting thing work?
  64. What can I use to edit my YouTube videos for free other than Windows Movie Maker?
  65. Should I become a Doula or Midwife, or Childbirth Educator?
  66. Would a text messaging saying "I'll rape you AGAIN" be enough evidence to press charges for the previous rape?
  67. How can I distant myself more from my boyfriend?
  68. How can I find a bra that I'm not having to constantly pull the front down?
  69. Why does somepeople hate Canada???
  70. Do you think the government should use Google Earth to enforce the laws?
  71. Where can I find a bicentennial quarter?
  72. what would happen if i gave my dog monster ?
  73. How long does it take to learn oillie???
  74. how do you counteract 160 mg of caffeine consumed in like 10 seconds ?
  75. What all privileges do you get after you reach 100 points?
  76. Which generally makes more money, a doctor/surgeon or a lawyer?
  77. Is it wrong to love my Family more than my own life?!?!?!
  78. Would you risk your life for your Cat or Dog?
  79. Do you find it sexist my school has a math tutoring center strictly for women since "women dont succeed in math as much as men"?
  80. Why do people get so freaked out,when you bring up religion or the end of time?
  81. is it wrong to put in 5 dollars with your co workers for a fantasy football pot?
  82. Is it wrong to stone someone over in the middle east?
  83. Would using a razor to thin out your hair give you split ends?
  84. do you think its stupid that tmobile is chargingg me $90 to get a new fone even though i have insurance on it?
  85. what kind of poet tattoo should i get??!!
  86. Do you like the way it looks when people dye the underneath of their hair a different color?
  87. how long do films usually stay in cinemas for?
  88. Does anyone here know how to throw a "come-back" pitch?
  89. How do I get Microsoft Excel 2010 to automatically plot points for me on a scatter chart?
  90. How to keep your dog from barking and freaking out every time he sees another animal?
  91. What are some cultural achievements that Egypt and Mesopotamia share and don't share?
  92. What is it like to live in Arkansas?
  93. Is there a way to get ringtones for TEXT on the iphone besides the ringtones that come with the phone?
  94. How would a child describe guilt?
  95. can people be cryogenically frozen like in futurama and still be alive when they are releived of their state?
  96. How can you tell if a necklace or bracelet is real or not?
  97. When someone has scars from self injury, do you think they should keep their scars covered up?
  98. can anyone think of reasons AGAINST school uniform???
  99. How can I prevent getting a rash on my skin after a bath?
  100. what is the best way to avoid idiotic behavior from someone else that is provoking you?