Questions & Answers

  1. Would you guys help me on some answers for my presentation in school?
  2. Why all of a sudden am I getting dark circles under my eyes?
  3. Why do guys say smaller breasts are better than larger?
  4. What's a good story plot to use for a video to Hide and seek by Imogen Heap?
  5. Does the contraceptive implant stop your periods (for most people)?
  6. Did the band "The Mongoloids" break up recently?
  7. How to get a better idea for your future?
  8. Why is my heart fast and missing beats when I'm only 16?
  9. Why am I peeing so much after sex?
  10. How can I convince a judge to take custody away from an alcoholic father?
  11. Why am i losing so much weight so fast?
  12. Do you have to be good with maps to take Geography gsce's?
  13. How can I feel good about my fat on my tummy?
  14. What's a transmitter watch?
  15. Do you think it would be good for me to take a culinary arts course in college?
  16. What kind of video file should go into a PsP in order to work?
  17. Is there any different between Gynera pills and Mercilon pills?
  18. Is extreme weight loss a sign of depression?
  19. Where is the best place to buy a pram that will fit into a small car?
  20. Why did this happen, why did they take her away from me?
  21. Where can I listen to Chin Up Baby - Stealing O'Neal?
  22. Does anyone else feel cheated by the way "Lost" ended?
  23. What do girls think of guys that like girly stuff like Hello Kitty?
  24. Why does my right thumb move by itself?
  25. How do I get rid of the dry skin on my baby bump?
  26. Is there a sleeping disorder where you can't fall asleep?
  27. Did the Ninja Assassin movie come out in 3D when it came out in theaters in the US?
  28. What would you all do and how would you react if there were a real zombie outbreak?
  29. What are some great indie love songs?
  30. What do I do if I don't have my contacts case?
  31. Is Safari the main browser for the Apple Mac computer?
  32. What is an "alternative" model, and how do they differ from regular models?
  33. How can I not wear a bra, but keep my nipples from showing through my shirt?
  34. Where should I sell my stuff and for how much?
  35. How old do my cats have to be to start spraying?
  36. Who in a relationship always has to have the last and final word in an argument?
  37. How come no one EVER knows about the show True Blood?
  38. Should I get the Mac Book Air 13 inch?
  39. Is it true what people say about Apple computers being hacked?
  40. What is the "theme" of a book?
  41. What causes pupils to dilate and could people control the dilation?
  42. How did the geography of Ancient Greece affect it's development?
  43. Is it okay if I dye my hair dark brown then the next day get blond streaks?
  44. When you poop do you loose weight (calories)?
  45. Why does the grading thing goes A B C D F and it skips E?
  46. Is gel liner easier than liquid?
  47. Is there any interesting information on Vancouver, Canada?
  48. Who is excited for the new mmo Rift that will be coming out soon?
  49. Why can't my burned cds play in my Honda car?
  50. Is suicide a mortal sin and is it selfish?
  51. Who here thinks there should be tougher gun control laws in the US?
  52. What is the best way to study for an AP test?
  53. Can honey help with acne and somewhat dry skin?
  54. If you have an antivirus program like Norton, do you need an antispyware program as well?
  55. What are some advantages and disadvantages of conservation as an energy source?
  56. What are some good rights and/or freedoms that we have or you wish we had?
  57. How do I fix Google Chrome?
  58. What is the best remedy for eye bags?
  59. What is the best herbal treatment for split ends?
  60. Why is it that you are expected to be blown away by the difference in the quality of an HD television while looking at a commercial on your normal television?
  61. What should you do if a gauge rips your ear?
  62. Why do leaves change their color every fall?
  63. How does having more than one test a day impact students' learning?
  64. Can someone give me a short description of the first continental congress?
  65. Can an excessive intake of sugary foods cause acne?
  66. How do I even out a big chunk in my hair?
  67. Who has watched a film called 'Frozen' ?
  68. Is an EMT career a good decision?
  69. What is a good book to help me out in an EMT course?
  70. How long does it take to boil a frozen pot roast?
  71. Why do my boobs hurt when I walk down the stairs?
  72. Is there a bunch of balancing chemical equations I can work on that you know of for grade 10 science?
  73. How can I prevent from getting bunions?
  74. Why is there a difference between my friend's breasts, and mine?
  75. Why would my dad get Cody Simpson tickets but not Justin Bieber tickets when he knows I like JB more?
  76. Is Muay Thai just pure agression?
  77. What can I do for my eye after my cat scratched me there?
  78. Why do I not see pictures in front of peoples names on my blackberry curve bbm?
  79. How do I address my B.F. with his "blank mind"?
  80. what happens if you numb a body part with ice then poke it with a hot needle?
  81. What is your favourite lyric off a song at the moment?
  82. What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you while traveling?
  83. What are some nice names for a Vegetarian restaurant with a buffet?
  84. Can you have hair extensions to make your hair thicker rather than longer?
  85. What color dress should I wear for my snow flake ball at school?
  86. Is there going to be an "I love money 5?"
  87. How to stop my songs jumping to next track after playing for 3-4 seconds?
  88. What are the benefits for going to college?
  89. Can you give me some bands that sound like All Time Low?
  90. Why do killer whales prefer to be in cold water than warm water?
  91. Is it true that frozen Bil Jac dog food is bad for your dogs?
  92. How do Cats do it if Doggies do it Doggy Style?
  93. What to do if you overdose on cocaine?
  94. How long should you go without using styling products before dyeing your hair?
  95. What are your first thoughts when you think of a country, particularly Scotland?
  96. What do you think about people getting their post codes tattooed on them?
  97. Does Miami Dade county have the highest crime rate in the USA at present?
  98. What should I expect when I go to visit my father in the hospital?
  99. Why is it that fathers weren't allowed in the delivery room with the mother of the child?
  100. Has anyone ever met up with somebody off FA that they didn't know before this site?