Questions & Answers

  1. What do you do to change the subject or shut someone up and still be nice about it?
  2. What is your favourite college football team?
  3. Why do people hate the Rainforest Cafe in Chicago, IL?
  4. How do I make and design my "own" level in the "Little Big Planet" game for Playstation 3?
  5. Do you think it was the plane that made the WTC building tumble down?
  6. What are your views on how the Chinese Government can control the weather?
  7. Can someone please explain to me how to draw a Lewis structure?
  8. What stuff happens when you are stressed?
  9. What are the differences between values, morals, and ethics?
  10. Do you think that the original Harry Potter soundtrack should have been in all of the movies?
  11. How can i make my noses stop running without any drugs and i already use tissue dont work??
  12. Would you be able to kill a child to save the rest of the world and make everything better like all the world's problems solved for the next century?
  13. Do you think Call of duty Modern Warfare 3 is going to live up to the franchise's expectations?
  14. Is it possible that an adult can book a room for a teenager without the adult being there when the teenager checks in?
  15. What would a half black, half german baby look like?
  16. What were the slain genocides back then?
  17. Do you think Gandhi could have been like Jesus only in an Indian version?
  18. What's easier to skate with - rollerskates or rollerblades?
  19. What do you call it when someone is easily changeable?
  20. Why do a lot of Beatles fans hate Yoko Ono?
  21. When did 21 guns- Green Day first come out?
  22. What are peoples opinions on false eyelashes and hair extensions?
  23. What are those guys called who wear those tall fur hats and red suits and don't talk?
  24. What is causeing all the dolphins to die?
  25. Why does my face keep twitching?
  26. Why do people at my church either tell me to cut my hair or pick on me because of it?
  27. What are the signs of cancer?
  28. How come teen's opinions are never taken into consideration?
  29. Do you think we will stay in hell or heaven forever?
  30. How can I deal with the anger and hatred I have for someone?
  31. Does HCG diet drops really work?
  32. What types of things would you put under hobbies and abilites to make your application look good?
  33. What is the best camcoder that's under 200 dollars?
  34. What can I do to find out who I am related to and where I came from?
  35. Are gyros healthy to eat?
  36. What is wrong with my x-box 360?
  37. Does anyone know any video recorders I can download?
  38. Who's interested in snare, quads, bass, and cymbals?
  39. Do you know the Brazilian Carnival?
  40. Are there any pageants for 16 year old girls in Egypt?
  41. What are some fun, cheap places to go to in down town Chicago around this time of the year?
  42. Can I put my gerbil back into the part of the cage the other died in?
  43. Why do people think 2012 has anything to do with Christians?
  44. What store websites in Carlingwood, Bay Shore, or St. Lawrence show their clothes online?
  45. Why was it snowing in Burbank CA today?
  46. Why do people worship satan?
  47. Is the book "crave'' by Laura J Burnz and Melinda Metz a series?
  48. What's the best way to develop parts of Brazil?
  49. What is the best shade of concealer to use for eye circles?
  50. Can you drive with a friend in the car, and a parent, if you have your temps in Wisconsin?
  51. Why when I go to a website sometimes the screen starts flashing?
  52. Does your body tell you you're getting sick, if yes how?
  53. What is more important in a political party, competence or ethics?
  54. What will hapen if you claim job seekers allowance and skip a session?
  55. Where can I download the eBook "Alan Wake" written by Rick Burroughs?
  56. Does 636 Million mean 636.000 million?
  57. What do you find more valuable - Time, Money, Talent, or Fame?
  58. Is that a cross on the Athens Greece flag?
  59. When are Victor Valdes, Carles Puyol and Xavi coming back to Barcelona after recovering from their injuries?
  60. Do you believe underage drinking has doubled since the 90's?
  61. Where can I buy Snooki's slippers?
  62. What would happen to my scar on my stomach if I were to ever have a baby?
  63. Why do we have St. Patricks Day?
  64. Do people still wear the cat-eye makeup these days?
  65. Where can I sell my novels that are in good condition online?
  66. Is there any artist that hasn't sold out?
  67. Why do people say I'll be girly when I grow up?
  68. How young is too young to take Melatonin pills?
  69. When is Lizzie Pattinson's birthday?
  70. What do you consider Southern charm?
  71. Who do you think is the most irritating celebrity?
  72. What is your favorite thing to make out of duct tape?
  73. Should I really save people's pictures?
  74. Does anyone know where to get the Yikes magazine?
  75. What are your opinions on the recent sale of breast milk in covent garden?
  76. Who do you think will make it in this season's American Idol?
  77. What's suffix (not the grammar word)?
  78. What's "flip anatomy"?
  79. Does anyone like Omarion music?
  80. Why do people get arrested for not having an ID with them?
  81. What have been the ten best things that have happened in your lifetime so far?
  82. What values can we get after watching anime?
  83. Who else thinks Santa is a ped0phile?
  84. How do you apply acrylic nail tips for a french manicure, and how do you remove them?
  85. What's your favorite pudding flavor?
  86. What's a recipe that includes chick peas and kidney benas that's really good and uses simple ingredients?
  87. Is a dirty bomb headed to a city near you?
  88. Is it me, or were Pringles solely invented to tease fat people?
  89. Is verizon free to other verizon cell phones without a card?
  90. What do you do when a guy says you're trashy?
  91. Which is better, red vines or twizzlers?
  92. Do you think it's acceptable for children to change their clothes in public?
  93. What's the difference between a natural birth and a water birth?
  94. What comic book should be made into a movie that hasn't been (yet)?
  95. Does anyone know where I can get ginger extensions from in the UK that are not stupidly expensive please?
  96. Is possible for the hair to stop growing?
  97. Do blood tests hurt?
  98. What do you think the top OS is used by home users for surfing the web?
  99. Why do children get away with stuff adults are punished for?
  100. Which is the best joke site?