Questions & Answers

  1. Is it too soon to tell him how I feel?
  2. How long does your tube of mascara last?
  3. Any other good songs?
  4. How to find the perfect Dad for my baby?
  5. How do I gain so much weight to be obese?
  6. Better place for a tattoo: lower back or hips?
  7. How to wait patiently for him?
  8. How do you put pictures under your Myspace pics?
  9. Am I pregnant or just getting paranoid?
  10. How do I make out with my boyfriend?
  11. Is it true she won't get pregnant?
  12. Is December Boys good?
  13. What should I do about my Mom and her boyfriend?
  14. What's it like living in the UK?
  15. How do I get rid of the throw up smell in my carpet?
  16. Why can't I pronouce properly after a tongue piercing?
  17. If my boyfriend flirts with my best friend, should I dump him?
  18. Why do third world countries still exist?
  19. Do you think Gerard Way is hotter then Bille Joe?
  20. What if my friend and I might be pregnant?
  21. How to be a referee between my parents and my sister?
  22. Does anyone like Naruto and Bleach anime?
  23. How to lose weight fast?
  24. Which courses should I take for business?
  25. Should psychics be allowed to play the lottery?
  26. How do Mormons feel about self-injury?
  27. How to get to New York?
  28. What's a good song for this audition?
  29. Is there any sort of post-recovery after laryngitis?
  30. What's the first step to this math problem?
  31. What is Zac Efron's number?
  32. What's this bug that is invading my yard?
  33. How to pass a drug test if I take pills?
  34. Do you believe in a past life?
  35. How to tell my parents I'm going to be a 14 year old Dad?
  36. Will someone help me get a new, affordable look?
  37. Can I do a tongue web piercing at home?
  38. Is there an easy medium to my weight and health?
  39. Were there one or two trees in the middle of the garden of Eden?
  40. What does it mean when a boy texts you, but never calls?
  41. What should I do if I like a guy that I hardly know?
  42. Is something wrong if you don't have your cycle?
  43. How can I lose weight fast?
  44. How do I make my face look good?
  45. Why does my friend keep talking about chewy poop?
  46. How do you rotate pictures on Myspace?
  47. What are good activities for the Big Sister program?
  48. How can I lose weight and cut down on cravings?
  49. Anyone know of any good hair conditioners?
  50. What is your reason for having an eating disorder?
  51. How should I deal with an abused friend?
  52. Do I have a problem at this height and weight?
  53. Do you think people will treat me different because of my friends?
  54. Why doesnt my boyfriend cum?
  55. Does masturbating make your penis larger?
  56. How can I get softer hair?
  57. What are some bracelet colors and meanings?
  58. How to contact a publisher?
  59. Do you believe in the dead contacting us?
  60. What are some fun games for Nintendo DS?
  61. Should I be nice to them after they made fun of me?
  62. How can an active person lose weight?
  63. Which hairstyle should I do?
  64. What makes a rising star?
  65. How can you speed up your metabolism?
  66. What night clubs will let me in at 18?
  67. Should I lose those few lbs?
  68. How to get girls to like me?
  69. How to force myself to gain weight?
  70. How to get rid of arm flab?
  71. Is there anyway to cope with the loss of my Dad?
  72. Have you tried LimeWire on your iPod?
  73. Why does my friend think she's fat?
  74. What is the point of war?
  75. Is there any other way to buy music for your iPod?
  76. How can I not be depressed anymore?
  77. Does anyone remember the show Caitlin's Way?
  78. Is this Mary Kay formula a good bargain?
  79. How much do iPod Videos cost?
  80. How should I talk to him?
  81. Should I be punk or preppy?
  82. When can I take a pregnancy test?
  83. How can I meet the Jonas Brothers?
  84. Why isn't this feeling satisfying?
  85. Does birth control give you fewer periods and bigger boobs?
  86. How to get smaller boobs?
  87. Any tips for a Vegetarian?
  88. Isn't killing in the name of a God an explanation for madness?
  89. Why do people think Warren Jeffs is a Mormon?
  90. Why do people have so many rumors about Mormons?
  91. Do I have worms?
  92. Does Erythromycin work to prevent pimples?
  93. What are good Broadway songs for my repetoire?
  94. Does Amy Adams lip sync?
  95. How soon can you take a pregnancy test?
  96. Does Amy Adams have kids?
  97. What are cute hairstyles for African-American hair?
  98. What other bands would I like?
  99. Do you believe in aliens?
  100. How to get a boyfriend?