How to wait patiently for him?

hello everyone…this question is simple. I’ve been talking to a guy for 9 months, but we just started seriously talking like 3 months ago. I told him I would like to take things further with him and he said I was cool, that he liked me and that he could see himself with me but he wasn’t ready for a girl yet. How do I wait patiently?

Answer #1

if you asked how to wait then you probably want to wait, as corny as it sounds, follow your heart!! maybe maybe pull away slowly..if you fall for someone else, okay thats fine, you just wernt ment to be with him..but if its too hard, maybe he will come around!!

Answer #2

Its just a guys nice way of saying that, he isnt really interested in you “that way”. If he was, he would have accepted your proposal of wanting to take things further.

Answer #3

Is this your ex that you’ve been posting ALL your questions about?

Answer #4

Do not wait patiently. If you are mature for s*x (or else), and your b/f is unmature, then you have to find somebody to satisfy your needs. You may stay with this boy, but he has to undersand that you will not “wait” just because he is “not ready” yet. Are you sure he will ever be ready? Because, I am not. That is not 100% with anybody. The proof of the pudding is the eating.

Answer #5

no this isn’t my ex

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